Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
Green Hill | A3072 | primary | Not set | 47056924, 471503336, 419526426, 419526427, 138312945, 47056923 |
Hole Hill | A3072 | primary | Not set | 295055439, 37208223, 295055438 |
| A3072 | primary | Not set | 138313680, 5182888, 4886672, 5182889, 27618437, 138944866, 138944860, 32338007 |
| A3124 | primary | Not set | 531040718, 286714104, 286714105 |
| | primary_link | Not set | 295620371 |
Brooke Close | | residential | Not set | 138312944 |
Fore Street | | residential | Not set | 61060493 |
Harveys Close | | residential | Not set | 138313438 |
Southey Lane | | residential | Not set | 138313439 |
Station View | | residential | Not set | 138124599 |
The Beeches | | residential | Not set | 138123659, 138123654, 138122400, 138123661, 1237641597 |
| | residential | Not set | 139857072, 139857068, 417730529, 61061957 |
Appledore Hill | B3215 | secondary | Not set | 1320051013, 138122406, 1320051012 |
| B3215 | secondary | Not set | 55390867, 55390704, 138125787, 138122438, 55390852 |
Basset's Cross | B3216 | secondary | Not set | 138944854 |
| B3216 | secondary | Not set | 5182890, 138944848, 138944855, 138944859, 138944864 |
Deckport Cross | | tertiary | Not set | 441537083, 295514590 |
Hancock's Bridge | | tertiary | Not set | 295514587 |
Hatherleigh Road | | tertiary | Not set | 32535565 |
Shilley Bridge | | tertiary | Not set | 241846195 |
Stock Bridge | | tertiary | Not set | 417118185 |
Town Living Cross | | tertiary | Not set | 417728585 |
| | tertiary | Not set | 12883397, 417728581, 417118182, 417728579, 83934739, 364585078, 376393505, 295514588, 171033364, 241846196 |
| A30 | trunk_link | Not set | 24339503 |
Barntown Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 55388589 |
Blenheim Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 27600532 |
Bulland Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 471503338, 47056925 |
Chapple Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 138312950, 47056927 |
Cliston Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 471502964, 471502350, 37208222 |
Corscombe Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 47583207, 375236270, 471505569 |
Duck Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 61059578 |
Ham Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 241846197 |
Hayfield Road | | unclassified | Not set | 61060131 |
Holebrook Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 138313675, 138313683 |
Restland Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 47583831 |
Solland Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 138313437 |
Stowe Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 61062178 |
The Tumbles | | unclassified | Not set | 61059869 |
Underdown Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 138313440, 138313441 |
Walson Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 139099028 |
Wellsprings Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 23445341, 471503339 |
West Barton Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 27600380 |
Woodcroft Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 55388453 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 376393506, 376393300, 139098392, 139098393, 45771115, 45771082, 376393301, 295514594, 45771031, 45771029, 164930108, 375236627, 164930104, 55388070, 55388094, 164930107, 164926967, 164926968, 55388069, 55388169, 55388199, 55388148, 55388138, 55388534, 55388621, 246647349, 241846198, 23114729, 246647350, 372675122, 372675121, 372880318, 372880321, 246649169, 246649165, 61057462, 295055453, 55388201, 15079536, 55388200, 55389464, 55388232, 286714103, 286714106, 27600397, 286714108, 27600289, 138312948, 138312952, 244765730, 244765732, 55389801, 286714107, 244765733, 471502152, 27600394, 47056928, 471502153, 295055449, 295055452, 37212568, 559801418, 27600527, 138944852, 295055447, 47056926, 471503335, 15071556, 295055450, 27600365, 164930102, 375236628, 23445423, 559811031, 471504048, 419527019, 138312946, 294803400, 294803401, 294803404, 294803402, 127346308, 127346305, 419527298, 419527297, 23445705, 23445447, 23445436, 23445549, 23445558, 135699548, 137833883, 49070158, 197218926, 691029794, 295620367, 295620372, 295620370, 37212569, 37212571, 295620368, 37212570, 15071831, 45771525, 295514593, 45771098 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
| A3072 | primary | Not set | 1299340366, 295640640, 295570413, 134821431 |
Alder View | | residential | Not set | 1192112117 |
Bowmans Meadow | | residential | Not set | 37212577, 850476746 |
Buddle Lane | | residential | Not set | 83851592 |
Canna Park Drive | | residential | Not set | 311729141 |
Church Lane | | residential | Not set | 37212575 |
Claremont Place | | residential | Not set | 37212576 |
Cob Meadow | | residential | Not set | 83850715, 83852658 |
Glascott Close | | residential | Not set | 295610430, 83897838 |
Glebe Close | | residential | Not set | 139097675 |
Hooper Close | | residential | Not set | 295610431, 83898110 |
Lew Walk | | residential | Not set | 1192112116 |
Martins Close | | residential | Not set | 850435244, 83847011, 660545802 |
Mayne Close | | residential | Not set | 295610432, 83898166 |
Moor View | | residential | Not set | 83897921, 83897804, 83899103 |
Morris Close | | residential | Not set | 83898165, 295610433 |
Oldham Road | | residential | Not set | 295610434, 83897854 |
Pearse Close | | residential | Not set | 83898119, 295610437, 295610436, 83898985, 83897849, 295610435 |
Pound Meadow | | residential | Not set | 138944850, 83852656 |
Red Lane | | residential | Not set | 83746900 |
Reed Meadow | | residential | Not set | 295610438, 83852641 |
Stoneybrook Rise | | residential | Not set | 189666801 |
Veale Close | | residential | Not set | 83899017, 83899018 |
| | residential | Not set | 619510745, 60854942, 55264194, 383307543, 660648460 |
| B3216 | secondary | Not set | 32838490, 138944864 |
Bridge Street | | tertiary | Not set | 138944856, 35589403, 138944858, 138944853, 138944857 |
Deckport Cross | | tertiary | Not set | 295514590, 139098395 |
Oakfield Road | | tertiary | Not set | 187697544, 35589398 |
South Street | | tertiary | Not set | 37212587, 164936883 |
Victoria Road | | tertiary | Not set | 187697543, 35589405 |
| | tertiary | Not set | 1299340363, 27093040, 83852537, 83852531, 1299340365, 83933657, 12883396, 30131059, 5182892, 1299340364, 282360617, 29983712, 295610455, 295570439, 27097798, 134821432 |
Station Road | A386 | trunk | Not set | 139098396 |
| A386 | trunk | Not set | 295554257, 83933784, 35703130, 83897700, 1038073585, 83897698, 1038073584 |
Burdon Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 55264209 |
Church Road | | unclassified | Not set | 134821436 |
High Street | | unclassified | Not set | 35589400, 619510740 |
Hole Court | | unclassified | Not set | 60854933, 660648459 |
Lewmoor Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 61870421 |
Market Way | | unclassified | Not set | 60854938 |
Old Market Way | | unclassified | Not set | 187687093 |
Park Road | | unclassified | Not set | 35589404 |
Sanctuary Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 37212574, 619509864 |
Scadsbury Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 29984217 |
Vicks Meadow | | unclassified | Not set | 83851484 |
Wingate Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 139097681, 187697919, 187697542 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 55678377, 295620368, 139097680, 83816444, 83812980, 61870420, 173531763, 29984266, 202995773, 660221380, 83812824, 660221382, 660530285, 660530284, 83897781, 83933658, 295610439, 662946780, 37212583, 37212586, 37212585, 83897779, 83816500, 295610448, 139097683, 83850799, 83850808, 619511287, 139097679, 139097676, 139097677, 619509000, 37212573, 5182891, 187699887, 139098393, 45771149, 376393288, 376393287, 83938338, 37212580, 202996170, 134821438 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
| A3072 | primary | Not set | 295570413, 5182889, 295640640, 295570415 |
Holsworthy Road | A3079 | primary | Not set | 277208932, 277208930 |
| A3079 | primary | Not set | 134467097, 203614207, 1094531279, 164946631, 134819207 |
Baldwin Drive | | residential | Not set | 24843086, 484656241, 922689162 |
Broom Park | | residential | Not set | 484656123, 1280163619, 484656124 |
Caesars Court | | residential | Not set | 1190328930 |
Castra Avenue | | residential | Not set | 1190327598 |
Cavalry Chase | | residential | Not set | 698063882 |
Chapel Lane | | residential | Not set | 137962653 |
Charriot Way | | residential | Not set | 698064225, 941972348, 941972347 |
Chichacott Road | | residential | Not set | 135697332, 80050659, 80050650 |
Cohort Close | | residential | Not set | 698063879 |
Dry Lane | | residential | Not set | 134068233 |
Forum Lane | | residential | Not set | 1241711746 |
Fossa Court | | residential | Not set | 698064226 |
Glebe Court | | residential | Not set | 1293842966, 1293842965 |
Hare Tor Close | | residential | Not set | 30185251 |
Harper's Hill | | residential | Not set | 981462623 |
Hillside Drive | | residential | Not set | 311729879, 311729880, 897384559 |
Hilltown Lane | | residential | Not set | 55264204, 241847577 |
Kellands Lane | | residential | Not set | 171033182 |
Kimberlands | | residential | Not set | 83813362, 83813365 |
Legion Way | | residential | Not set | 698063881, 941972341 |
Little Marsh Road | | residential | Not set | 484656122 |
Long Barton Avenue | | residential | Not set | 511479168, 171033185 |
Minerva Way | | residential | Not set | 1077205905 |
Misdon Cottages | | residential | Not set | 137962656 |
Monkey Puzzle Drive | | residential | Not set | 1297344425, 24842970 |
Moorcroft Close | | residential | Not set | 172858339, 24842963, 172858345 |
Moorcroft Court | | residential | Not set | 172858343, 24842966 |
New Road Estate | | residential | Not set | 137962640 |
Nexus Way | | residential | Not set | 1183411113 |
Queen Street | | residential | Not set | 55264196 |
Radford Way | | residential | Not set | 30184755 |
Station Road | | residential | Not set | 29984030, 241847583 |
Sterlings Way | | residential | Not set | 511479158, 171033186, 171033184, 511479175, 171033183, 668138401 |
Summering Close | | residential | Not set | 1280220808, 484656121 |
The Meadows | | residential | Not set | 790581083, 83813361, 790581084 |
The Old Orchard | | residential | Not set | 83813366, 1313795662 |
Vixen Tor Close | | residential | Not set | 30185146 |
| | residential | Not set | 639986160, 137962639, 137962659, 137962630, 1281280183, 1281280216, 697583195, 1183411115, 1183411114, 1183411108, 1183411107, 1190328931, 790607505, 639986161, 1281280199, 1304711681, 790581082, 55264195, 1304922723, 1304711671, 790581085, 1094536724, 241846727, 1304922722 |
Appledore Hill | B3215 | secondary | Not set | 138122406 |
Crediton Road | B3215 | secondary | Not set | 1183411112, 1159212415, 1183411104, 1159212416, 1183411109, 37373582, 1183411111, 1183411110 |
| B3215 | secondary | Not set | 141332736 |
Exeter Road | B3260 | secondary | Not set | 30250548 |
Tavistock Road | B3260 | secondary | Not set | 134463730 |
| B3260 | secondary | Not set | 24339502, 30250665 |
Beacon Down Hill | | tertiary | Not set | 4886611 |
Brightley Road | | tertiary | Not set | 1159212411, 1159212414, 4886633, 1159212412, 1159212413, 1159212410 |
Harper's Hill | | tertiary | Not set | 790581080 |
Hatherleigh Road | | tertiary | Not set | 80049419, 1038089368, 134068223 |
| | tertiary | Not set | 295570436, 1304711632, 276592641, 276592643, 83815806, 135697336, 134068221, 790581087, 790581086, 417118182, 1094531278, 229337862, 55264191, 295728063, 295728067, 30140895, 295728064, 295728069, 295570439, 29984757, 203614240, 203614243, 203614230, 203614221, 83814248, 137962654 |
| A30 | trunk_link | Not set | 30250754, 24339503, 30250704, 1333044136, 509483312 |
Brightley Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 295055448 |
Chichacott Road | | unclassified | Not set | 71216157, 1159212417, 1159212418, 135697334 |
Dry Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 134068227, 134068215 |
Fatherford Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 280307935, 280308350, 134962531, 24842927 |
Fort Road | | unclassified | Not set | 698063880 |
Harper's Hill | | unclassified | Not set | 790581079 |
Higher Stockley Mead | | unclassified | Not set | 47515666, 47515653, 611799570, 30251083, 668142223, 47515672 |
Knowle Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 417114420 |
Lake Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 83813420 |
Lewmoor Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 61870421 |
Old Road | | unclassified | Not set | 27618862 |
Prisam Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 29984345 |
Rockey Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 55264198 |
Scadsbury Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 29984217 |
Stoney Park Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 27618856 |
Summer Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 29984133 |
Waterhouse Hill | | unclassified | Not set | 137962652, 29984500 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 203614235, 83814700, 203614236, 295728072, 203614214, 29983763, 203614233, 29983916, 203614244, 203614234, 203614241, 295728065, 29983957, 29984018, 203614239, 203614226, 203614227, 203614229, 29983924, 203614242, 203614224, 203614228, 203614245, 203614231, 203614237, 203614210, 790876809, 375209169, 375209176, 39503527, 55264207, 29984769, 29983902, 375209178, 229337861, 295728066, 295728070, 295728071, 295728068, 790612414, 790612413, 229337860, 229337859, 29984474, 29984534, 134819205, 375209182, 375209174, 375209191, 375209177, 134467099, 294928806, 294928805, 294928804, 294928812, 790607499, 294928808, 199084207, 280301289, 37411985, 1340909915, 24842799, 47391655, 83812986, 55264202, 5182893, 1280157083, 29984402, 29984383, 137833894, 29984553, 197217862, 197217861, 417114423, 30251593, 49070146, 364585077, 49070158, 197218926, 23445455, 30186304, 29984442, 80050675, 137962636, 83812980, 55264190, 29984213, 83813061, 47743368, 47743370, 30172462, 83815455, 295055451, 790876808, 83814199, 203614238, 29984021, 203614246, 83814215, 203614212 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
Durant Close | | living_street | Not set | 47041852 |
Strawberry Fields | | living_street | Not set | 47041844 |
| A3072 | primary | Not set | 728207634, 27600553, 728207633, 141335780, 1320056607, 616523150, 141335760, 1320056606, 27618437, 23445226 |
| A3124 | primary | Not set | 286714104, 531040718, 23445196, 286714105 |
Barkers Way | | residential | Not set | 47041837 |
Barton Close | | residential | Not set | 47057240 |
Barton Hill | | residential | Not set | 47057237 |
Barton View | | residential | Not set | 47057234, 47057236 |
Blangy Close | | residential | Not set | 47041848 |
Bouchers Hill | | residential | Not set | 141203762, 141203765, 616523131 |
Butts Way | | residential | Not set | 47041858, 47041857, 47041829 |
Cornfield Way | | residential | Not set | 737201798 |
Cottles View | | residential | Not set | 1308667894 |
Elm Close | | residential | Not set | 1308667895 |
Fernleigh Close | | residential | Not set | 47041834 |
Fernleigh Court | | residential | Not set | 171795018 |
Foxglove Court | | residential | Not set | 1308668368 |
Gostwick Close | | residential | Not set | 47054768, 47041839, 838482467 |
Gowmans Terrace | | residential | Not set | 47041831 |
Greenacre Close | | residential | Not set | 47041836, 47041835 |
Greenhayes | | residential | Not set | 47041846, 47041845 |
Henson Court | | residential | Not set | 737201799 |
Mill Lane | | residential | Not set | 140127220 |
Orchard Close | | residential | Not set | 47041859 |
Richina Drive | | residential | Not set | 47041827, 47041866 |
Stoat Mews | | residential | Not set | 47041861 |
Taw Vale Avenue | | residential | Not set | 140127222, 294794342 |
Taw Vale Close | | residential | Not set | 140127223, 294794343 |
Taylors Field | | residential | Not set | 838482477 |
Webbs Orchard | | residential | Not set | 47041841, 47041862 |
| | residential | Not set | 737201797, 747193922, 838482466, 1182439632, 559055389, 737201796 |
| B3215 | secondary | Not set | 28806871, 1230514662, 138125787 |
| | tertiary | Not set | 46706041, 294794344 |
Beare Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 295785648, 136392584 |
Boswell's Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 27618502 |
Burrow Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 47055157 |
Cadlake Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 138313443 |
Cholhouse Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 139857071 |
Copse Hill Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 55389591 |
Crooke Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 139859781 |
Essington Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 27618522 |
Exeter Street | | unclassified | Not set | 46705985 |
Hampson Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 139857081 |
Hill Road | | unclassified | Not set | 23114741 |
Hole Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 139857080 |
Nichols Nymett Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 37208221 |
Nichols Nymett Moor | | unclassified | Not set | 47055155 |
North Street | | unclassified | Not set | 65715035 |
Sandford Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 139859773 |
Yeo Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 47041826 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 55389521, 23114731, 462731158, 462731156, 136392453, 23114730, 55389576, 286714061, 55388232, 1000927426, 27600289, 148784868, 55389525, 27600456, 164926964, 55389464, 55388200, 46705969, 27618416, 244991504, 163593715, 129240755, 136392524, 27600420, 23114742, 294761635, 574356331, 23114732, 294761633, 163593712, 139859769, 294761634, 294761632, 286710612, 1000927425 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
Abbeyford Court | | residential | Not set | 30183634 |
Abbey Rise | | residential | Not set | 137833893, 37373823, 37373857, 37373832 |
Baldwin Court | | residential | Not set | 30184728 |
Baldwin Drive | | residential | Not set | 24843086 |
Balmoral Crescent | | residential | Not set | 172858338, 172858336, 172858340, 1274506188, 30184634, 30184636 |
Berryball Close | | residential | Not set | 30183706, 30183709 |
Charriot Way | | residential | Not set | 698064225, 941972348, 941972347 |
Chichacott Road | | residential | Not set | 37373479 |
Craon Gardens | | residential | Not set | 261520416, 37373606, 37373608 |
Crediton Road | | residential | Not set | 27600567 |
Crocken Tor Road | | residential | Not set | 30185383 |
Fern Close | | residential | Not set | 294931413, 37373755, 37373780, 37707570, 37373758 |
Fern Meadow | | residential | Not set | 37373734, 37373705, 37702150 |
Fossa Court | | residential | Not set | 698064226, 941972349 |
Fox Close | | residential | Not set | 37373665, 37373671, 1285751650 |
Giblands | | residential | Not set | 1274506207, 24842928 |
Great Links Tor Road | | residential | Not set | 30185266 |
Holley Park | | residential | Not set | 30184670, 30184669 |
Howard Close | | residential | Not set | 30186196, 37373644 |
Hunters Gate | | residential | Not set | 37373604 |
Kes Tor Close | | residential | Not set | 30185340, 30185341 |
Knowle View | | residential | Not set | 37373812 |
Leaholes Avenue | | residential | Not set | 30183522 |
Legion Way | | residential | Not set | 941972341 |
Limehayes Road | | residential | Not set | 30183511 |
Lopes Crescent | | residential | Not set | 30183584 |
Luxmoore Way | | residential | Not set | 30184877, 30184870 |
Magnolia Way | | residential | Not set | 1165646267 |
Newcombe Close | | residential | Not set | 1274506193, 30184818 |
Oak Road | | residential | Not set | 37373745 |
Oke Tor Close | | residential | Not set | 30185524 |
Otter Close | | residential | Not set | 1274278386, 37373557 |
Pound Park | | residential | Not set | 37373643 |
Quarry Fields | | residential | Not set | 30183685, 294931416 |
Row Tor Close | | residential | Not set | 172858337, 30185321 |
Saddlers Way | | residential | Not set | 37373676, 37373663, 37373656, 37373678 |
Stannary Court | | residential | Not set | 30184778 |
Stanway Court | | residential | Not set | 30184773 |
Tarka Close | | residential | Not set | 37373561, 37373560 |
The Copse | | residential | Not set | 37373836 |
The Heathers | | residential | Not set | 30184680, 30184682, 30184676 |
Vixen Tor Close | | residential | Not set | 30185147 |
Willow Tree Close | | residential | Not set | 30184623 |
Wonnacotts Road | | residential | Not set | 47385673 |
| | residential | Not set | 24843054, 850861473, 261520422 |
Crediton Road | B3215 | secondary | Not set | 1159212415, 30183526, 30183560 |
Cavell Way | | unclassified | Not set | 30183650 |
Chichacott Road | | unclassified | Not set | 135697334 |
Fatherford Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 1274506206, 24842927 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 30183710 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
Astley Corte | | residential | Not set | 47397256 |
Badgers Holt | | residential | Not set | 38782112 |
Beans Meadow | | residential | Not set | 39027928, 1261995489 |
Brandize Park | | residential | Not set | 35085116 |
Bright View | | residential | Not set | 47397026 |
Castle Lane | | residential | Not set | 38781344, 293291729 |
Castle Road | | residential | Not set | 47395161, 47395160, 1211281258, 1211281263 |
Church Avenue | | residential | Not set | 38781855 |
Church Meadow | | residential | Not set | 1255040528, 38782830 |
Church Path | | residential | Not set | 38781764 |
Church Street | | residential | Not set | 38781663 |
Foxes Lair | | residential | Not set | 38782571 |
Glendale Road | | residential | Not set | 484652595 |
Grove Meadow | | residential | Not set | 280308162 |
Herons Brook | | residential | Not set | 38781973, 38781972, 38781979 |
Highland View | | residential | Not set | 24842747 |
Kingfisher Drive | | residential | Not set | 38781938 |
Klondyke Road | | residential | Not set | 1340909907, 35084968 |
Leeze Park | | residential | Not set | 47396283, 47395706, 47395707, 47395730, 1239992302, 47396280 |
Lyndridge Court | | residential | Not set | 135697331, 1263279325, 872835388 |
Moyses Lane | | residential | Not set | 47396344 |
Moyses Meadow | | residential | Not set | 47396727, 47396749, 47396718 |
Northams Meadow | | residential | Not set | 47397801 |
Oaklands Park | | residential | Not set | 38782109 |
Orchard Close | | residential | Not set | 47395705 |
Park View Terrace | | residential | Not set | 24842742 |
Penare Gardens | | residential | Not set | 39027616 |
Pikes Mead | | residential | Not set | 47396939 |
Prospect Hill | | residential | Not set | 47396855 |
Ranelagh Road | | residential | Not set | 38781799 |
South Church Lane | | residential | Not set | 134068228 |
Station Road | | residential | Not set | 1239391020, 15046062, 5182880, 1239391019 |
The Glen | | residential | Not set | 47395190 |
Upcott Valley | | residential | Not set | 38781955 |
Vicarage Road | | residential | Not set | 27618853 |
| | residential | Not set | 199072728, 1244763174 |
New Road | B3260 | secondary | Not set | 134068874, 191084337 |
Tavistock Road | B3260 | secondary | Not set | 134463730 |
| B3260 | secondary | Not set | 27619037, 27618994, 27619005, 30250665 |
Beacon Down Hill | | tertiary | Not set | 4886611 |
Hatherleigh Road | | tertiary | Not set | 80049419 |
Lodge Hill | | tertiary | Not set | 294928799, 294928798 |
Upcott Hill | | tertiary | Not set | 38781894 |
| | tertiary | Not set | 280375591 |
| A30 | trunk_link | Not set | 27619036, 102892356, 30250704, 509483312, 30250784, 24232619 |
Darkey Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 27618857 |
High Street | | unclassified | Not set | 47396414 |
Meldon Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 71122995, 71122835 |
Oaklands Drive | | unclassified | Not set | 30183406 |
Old Road | | unclassified | Not set | 27618862, 38782886 |
Station Road | | unclassified | Not set | 5182882 |
Stoney Park Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 27618856 |
Tavistock Road | | unclassified | Not set | 134463731 |
Tors Road | | unclassified | Not set | 15046064, 1239391021 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 1303760319, 1303760318, 15069010, 51428364, 23445657, 280300415, 280300416, 280300414, 77489576, 283970703, 293404458, 23445615, 771573779, 37340526, 23445614, 24842652, 280301293, 280301289, 24842799, 280375555, 280375553, 23445548, 23445574, 280375557, 903547500, 24339504, 375209172, 134068216, 14681782, 177895398, 27618951, 71122652, 177895399, 191084352, 27618986, 280375589, 280375554 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
Red Lion Yard | | pedestrian | Not set | 1249689276, 1249689275, 1249689277, 1249689278, 1249689271, 30183920, 1250056971, 1250056972, 1249689270, 30183964 |
The Arcade | | pedestrian | Not set | 1250057005, 1250063411, 47393691 |
Ashley Road | | residential | Not set | 47387304, 47387307 |
Church Street | | residential | Not set | 38781663 |
Courtenay Road | | residential | Not set | 37412123, 47387435 |
Crediton Road | | residential | Not set | 27600567 |
Curlew Close | | residential | Not set | 38782012, 38782011, 38782251, 1255040499 |
Far View Road | | residential | Not set | 47387248 |
Glendale Road | | residential | Not set | 1255040502, 484652595, 1255040503 |
Herons Brook | | residential | Not set | 38781979 |
Jacobs Pool | | residential | Not set | 1248928100, 38781448, 1248928101, 38781453, 1211281242 |
Jubilee Close | | residential | Not set | 47397830, 1257179183 |
Kempley Road | | residential | Not set | 47393319 |
Kestrel Close | | residential | Not set | 38782045 |
Kingfisher Drive | | residential | Not set | 837642934, 837642935, 837642933, 38781938 |
Majors Meadow | | residential | Not set | 47384409 |
Mill Cottages | | residential | Not set | 47388363 |
Mill Road | | residential | Not set | 294931415, 24339501, 38781189, 314126654 |
Moyses Lane | | residential | Not set | 47396344 |
Moyses Meadow | | residential | Not set | 47396718 |
Northams Meadow | | residential | Not set | 47397801 |
Oakfield Residential Park | | residential | Not set | 47397513 |
Park Row | | residential | Not set | 47393283 |
Pikes Mead | | residential | Not set | 47396939 |
Prospect Hill | | residential | Not set | 47396855 |
Sharp Hill | | residential | Not set | 178669026, 178669027 |
Simmons Close | | residential | Not set | 47384417 |
Simmons Way | | residential | Not set | 47387353, 47387436, 47387354, 1239450431, 47387344 |
Solonhurst Court | | residential | Not set | 47393470, 47393469 |
The Chantry | | residential | Not set | 47387228 |
Upcott Valley | | residential | Not set | 38781955 |
Westbridge Close | | residential | Not set | 38781637, 38781605 |
West View Road | | residential | Not set | 30186174, 1256856634 |
| | residential | Not set | 784099785, 1263577472, 294931423 |
New Road | B3260 | secondary | Not set | 191084337, 1197317809, 509483311 |
Lodge Hill | | tertiary | Not set | 294928799, 294928798 |
Darkey Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 27618857 |
Glendale Road | | unclassified | Not set | 38781924 |
High Street | | unclassified | Not set | 47396414 |
Oaklands Drive | | unclassified | Not set | 30183406 |
School Way | | unclassified | Not set | 484654594 |
Station Road | | unclassified | Not set | 5182882 |
St James Street | | unclassified | Not set | 47388925, 996345648, 5182886 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 4800091 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
Dogmarsh Bridge | A382 | primary | Not set | 51367021 |
| A382 | primary | Not set | 294309394 |
Mill Street | | residential | Not set | 439312229 |
Chagford Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 40503929 |
Manor Road | | unclassified | Not set | 115530736, 439312232, 439312234 |
Meldon Road | | unclassified | Not set | 115517936 |
Rushford Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 40504032 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 115520054, 115520070, 115521213, 115521226, 115520648, 115521999, 28806883, 115520612, 178407847, 115520293, 115518452, 115530442, 903749580, 115519664, 115530419, 115530394, 309238521, 309238524, 309238525, 1236974844, 737198283, 309238518, 309238516, 178415543, 604732526, 178415544, 115519050, 115531542, 115531545, 27580672, 27580726, 115530777, 27232190, 903749582, 115530778, 27232250, 115530749, 27580729, 115531497, 294327081, 1327430460, 39403125, 293406618, 15070871, 294327079, 40503928, 159847830, 115517345, 1327430459, 573074667, 32117163, 40504030, 1313628621, 1313628622, 178026860, 5089796, 32117354, 1313628711, 1313628712, 136996064, 648526098, 293406621, 32117155, 999704551, 15071293, 115518227, 115519837, 999704552, 115520181, 115522863, 293406617, 28489412, 137107565, 159847131, 32117022, 294309414, 40501141, 115531637, 115531639, 1314910720, 27580715, 115520781, 115522162 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
| A3124 | primary | Not set | 136849196, 294790581 |
Dogmarsh Bridge | A382 | primary | Not set | 51367021 |
| A382 | primary | Not set | 294309393, 28489387, 294309394 |
Barn Close | | residential | Not set | 137219882, 137219884 |
Berrys Meadow | | residential | Not set | 1191727023 |
Budbrook Barton | | residential | Not set | 136448466 |
Chapel Park | | residential | Not set | 171030022, 171030024, 171030021 |
Crockenwell Court | | residential | Not set | 137216119 |
Cross Meadow | | residential | Not set | 294790586, 135798275 |
Meadow Rise | | residential | Not set | 135798288 |
Saddlers Close | | residential | Not set | 136448465 |
Stanbury's Orchard | | residential | Not set | 136448464, 136448462 |
| | residential | Not set | 707022532, 136448471 |
Bakesdown Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 137216742 |
Bowbeer Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 136849191 |
Brandis Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 23445264 |
Chagford Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 40503929 |
Combe Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 136849192 |
Combe Moor Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 294790585, 294790584, 135761535 |
Coxmoor Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 978106940 |
Dragdown Hill | | unclassified | Not set | 24421649 |
Fingle Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 122896636 |
Hask Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 136446821 |
Headland Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 135800882 |
Heath Road | | unclassified | Not set | 23445154 |
Hooperton Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 28047681 |
Itton Moor Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 294790588 |
Northbeer Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 135761534 |
Payne's Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 230388055 |
Ring Hill | | unclassified | Not set | 234945403 |
Scotley Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 259178031 |
Sessland Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 136849189 |
Shilstone Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 27580800 |
Stonelands | | unclassified | Not set | 1157249731, 40444119, 1157249732 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 294527434, 137219881, 27580962, 24421648, 163593714, 137216741, 135800912, 135800893, 135800900, 148107209, 293404734, 172576474, 294281495, 294527429, 294577128, 27580789, 172649679, 293404903, 15069733, 27580831, 294527432, 39403282, 294527438, 682969029, 682969030, 27580779, 294281168, 27580805, 172577094, 331961733, 15070872, 294527431, 172577096, 294527428, 1328267089, 331967899, 294281050, 40505728, 39403286, 27580907, 1230047949, 1230047950, 39403334, 39403330, 15070038, 294281049, 294527430, 115531639, 197840257, 294327083, 294327081, 40506194, 172577097, 27580914, 294527436, 294527433, 28806882, 27580863, 40506192, 39403150, 39403125, 293406618, 15070871, 294327079, 294277873, 159847830, 172577095, 1327430529, 23445197, 135800891, 24421647, 136849178, 26989460, 23445131, 23445108, 163593713, 259178032, 24778152, 127346307, 127346312, 136448668, 136448669, 294519752, 39403711, 136448671, 283973153, 122896635, 39403664, 132979446, 132979445, 24244617, 26688563, 5089785, 35607627, 1323738667, 220011372, 177942087, 294519755, 163372012, 163372010, 28047618, 163372011, 28047616, 136448470, 26491780, 28489280, 26689069, 26491781, 159847131, 15068250, 27580782, 294309414, 39403134, 293406616 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
| A3124 | primary | Not set | 294790578, 28489084, 294790581, 23445196, 136849196 |
Back Lane | | residential | Not set | 137313519 |
Canomild Cottages | | residential | Not set | 137313782 |
Ford Cross | | residential | Not set | 41603444 |
Grove Meadow | | residential | Not set | 280308162 |
Hillcrest | | residential | Not set | 39850646 |
Hillfield | | residential | Not set | 33469486 |
Oak Tree Park | | residential | Not set | 33469491, 33469490 |
Queens Haye | | residential | Not set | 137392365 |
The Croft | | residential | Not set | 33469487, 33469485 |
| | residential | Not set | 137313525, 137313524, 482785760 |
| | tertiary | Not set | 33469687, 116455662, 191084370, 116455656, 283970895, 293404457, 33469688, 284168174, 280375591, 116455660, 116455658 |
| A30 | trunk_link | Not set | 102892356 |
Brandis Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 23445264 |
Church Ways | | unclassified | Not set | 39850647 |
Combe Moor Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 294790584 |
Fore Street | | unclassified | Not set | 43340243, 30978334, 172608383 |
Itton Moor Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 135761532, 294790589, 294790588 |
Itton Road | | unclassified | Not set | 135761533 |
Payne's Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 230388055 |
Ring Hill | | unclassified | Not set | 27599972, 191084338, 137312597, 234945403 |
Sessland Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 1346086623, 1346086624, 136849187, 136849189 |
Shelly Road | | unclassified | Not set | 137313520 |
Two Post Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 28051595 |
Vicarage Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 137313522 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 33469484, 39403391, 116455661, 40704245, 482812138, 172646256, 482849057, 40156085, 40156083, 33469488, 15069109, 24339504, 127346308, 23445427, 27599977, 23445292, 23445330, 559811032, 903547500, 23445548, 23445549, 280375553, 280375589, 294281494, 745527725, 261520420, 230388050, 172576472, 32200008, 28806872, 28806873, 294581405, 294803403, 294581406, 294803399, 559811030, 471504048, 294803402, 135761531, 27600292, 172608384, 172608689, 135699542, 23445197, 293406616, 28806881, 294527434, 28806879, 27580946, 27582668, 294581404, 137219881, 27581751, 39403517, 24421648, 23445259, 135699541, 27599934, 234678467, 234678473, 127346313, 127346310, 137312603, 137312601, 137312596, 137312594, 137312599, 28051625, 39403367, 234687246, 137313526, 27599974, 51518446, 39701527, 137313523, 180014932, 1009206707, 51426371, 30978336, 33469489, 30978333, 234687250, 51518537, 33469483, 172576473, 103050661 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
Holsworthy Road | A3079 | primary | Not set | 277208931, 277208932, 1197317806, 277208933, 1197317807 |
| A3079 | primary | Not set | 134467097, 134819207, 164946631, 1094531279, 134819216 |
Church Meadow | | residential | Not set | 134820104, 134820092 |
Court Barton | | residential | Not set | 134820112 |
Crandford Close | | residential | Not set | 1015962742 |
Station Cottages | | residential | Not set | 134440254 |
The Pastures | | residential | Not set | 134820107, 134820114 |
Trescote Way | | residential | Not set | 134458579 |
| | residential | Not set | 241852695, 1017787310, 241849312 |
Chapel Road | | tertiary | Not set | 134820110, 134819194, 134820093 |
| | tertiary | Not set | 1094531280, 134819210, 327628921, 134819199, 327628926, 14679979, 134819209, 1094533083, 55677493, 276688683, 300062653, 276688682, 1094531278, 55677498, 55677497, 29984715, 295728063, 134819203, 31980356, 30140895, 203614240, 241852693 |
Chapel Road | | unclassified | Not set | 134820105 |
Fore Street | | unclassified | Not set | 23379057, 134440277 |
Pool Hill | | unclassified | Not set | 134440264 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 276945148, 127347646, 127347644, 39502033, 373613017, 55677536, 37744050, 55677491, 31980386, 241852694, 31980389, 39503255, 183499195, 183499194, 375209169, 134819193, 586206622, 70849078, 191084363, 191084358, 70848987, 70849076, 279525596, 70849157, 149735345, 149735342, 149735344, 1017787307, 134460747, 134460740, 37744919, 385946384, 385946385, 134460750, 134460749, 134460739, 127347648, 276945142, 276945144, 277510712, 277510713, 127347647, 39404323, 24339500, 27618934, 375209175, 127347649, 127347645, 191084373, 64499267, 375209172, 134467099, 375209177, 375209182, 134819204, 375209178, 29984727, 183499196, 14676984, 134819213, 37744924, 39501892, 134819202, 276945140 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
Lutyens Fold | | residential | Not set | 133903381, 133903383 |
Park Court | | residential | Not set | 171029636 |
The Parade | | residential | Not set | 133903373 |
Venn Hill | | residential | Not set | 406134261, 133904785 |
Vicarage Gardens | | residential | Not set | 133903368 |
| | residential | Not set | 903521564, 241916739, 149362796, 149362761, 133900987, 149362708, 406134262, 133903377 |
Fore Street | B3362 | secondary | Not set | 134041076, 740437472, 133903369, 777527818 |
New Launceston Road | B3362 | secondary | Not set | 121941115 |
Old Greystone Hill | B3362 | secondary | Not set | 121941117 |
| B3362 | secondary | Not set | 241916428, 241916427 |
| | tertiary | Not set | 1126079962, 268859555, 149109134, 149109153, 149109140, 149109143, 268637802, 127883364, 149109198, 149109188, 149109185, 149109190, 27938164, 149109161, 149362760, 364701565, 1126079963, 149362725, 149362759, 1094525161, 844740343, 149362778, 149362757, 274564630, 274564633, 149362717, 133900999, 586199575, 149362710, 401388330, 274747373, 274747379, 274747382, 274747381, 149362747, 149362792 |
| | tertiary_link | Not set | 897865037, 152383456 |
Higher Edgcumbe Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 133903370 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 149109168, 149109169, 70849009, 1094525162, 321686876, 70849078, 149362724, 37744756, 149362702, 149362699, 149362775, 168182808, 586204905, 30284963, 586204906, 586204900, 30284959, 149362780, 276503368, 149362700, 276503364, 149362704, 149362786, 149362709, 276503376, 274747383, 274747376, 149362714, 149362706, 149362705, 149362736, 1126079961, 1126079960, 149362748, 149362698, 149362790, 149362785, 274564629, 1223204041, 1223204030, 274564634, 274564632, 274564631, 149362746, 149362716, 133903375, 149362722, 149362758, 149362715, 274523661, 586198155, 149362732, 149362789, 149362723, 274635905, 401388376, 30284961, 149362719, 133903382, 133901003, 586196171, 133903372, 149109135, 406133620, 149362766, 149362754, 274523660, 133903367, 30284075, 30284562, 406134263, 241915893, 134041058, 149109164, 149109132, 268846592, 268846588, 268846594, 268846591, 149362772, 149109152, 30284935, 29462767, 149109187, 149362720, 71166951, 276503370, 149362749, 276503366, 276503373, 268846589, 406134711, 168082951, 268637797, 586206622, 168182807, 134041036 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
Callington Road | A390 | primary | Not set | 29390275 |
| A390 | primary | Not set | 149109163, 1346867246, 1346867247, 1346867242, 1346867243 |
Chestnut Close | | residential | Not set | 171029413, 420463714, 420463715 |
Chestnut Terrace | | residential | Not set | 171029414 |
Orchard Court | | residential | Not set | 171029415 |
Outer Down | | residential | Not set | 171029416 |
Partwayes | | residential | Not set | 149109166 |
The Farriers | | residential | Not set | 171029417 |
Trenance Drive | | residential | Not set | 171029418, 171029419 |
| | residential | Not set | 241917011, 241917012, 241917255, 149109179, 149109193, 34083399, 1346867239, 241917010 |
| | residential | No unit | 700676103 |
| B3257 | secondary | Not set | 182205203, 182205204, 1346867245, 1346867244, 149289140, 149289089, 149289070 |
| B3362 | secondary | Not set | 149109191, 1346867240, 268846584, 133618267, 268846585, 1346867241, 241916428 |
Crowndale Road | | tertiary | Not set | 471020746 |
New Launceston Road | | tertiary | Not set | 133618254, 133618260, 133618262 |
| | tertiary | Not set | 145431549, 1094525160, 149109178, 60770716, 60770717, 149109198, 149109194, 844740339, 149109153, 268637802, 127883364, 145431551, 526007328, 406135528, 127883363, 149109136, 406135527, 268637805, 268846590, 149109173 |
| | tertiary_link | Not set | 152383456 |
Crease Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 90941619 |
Dukes Drive | | unclassified | Not set | 172139111 |
Green Hill | | unclassified | Not set | 149109155, 420463717, 420463720 |
Higher Lumburn Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 526583354 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 149109186, 503239580, 149109200, 268846589, 149109149, 147005176, 541951745, 149109139, 149109174, 133618255, 149109183, 268859554, 149109181, 823427315, 29462766, 149109172, 369564150, 26490172, 840172661, 149109180, 149109144, 823427316, 312135462, 268859553, 268846595, 268846593, 584733919, 133618271, 840172660, 133618272, 145431552, 145431553, 171029420, 149109154, 149109147, 268637804, 268846591, 748951398, 149109157, 268846596, 149109137, 149109160, 144534212, 27938162, 268565469, 149109182, 30282525, 406135348, 268565470, 144534207, 40217619, 133618273, 30283648, 26490174, 133618261, 32884538, 30283661, 30283653, 369564153, 26490171, 149109184, 133618266, 133618265, 503239581, 526585178, 149109142 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
| A388 | primary | Not set | 84638746 |
Arundell Close | | residential | Not set | 91342342 |
Arundell Gardens | | residential | Not set | 91342317 |
Ash Vale | | residential | Not set | 133902175 |
Duntz Hill | | residential | Not set | 91342341, 288211658 |
Fore Street | | residential | Not set | 133902179 |
Hannaford Road | | residential | Not set | 91342326 |
Hornapark Close | | residential | Not set | 91342333 |
Millers Close | | residential | Not set | 1331349846, 1331349847 |
Moorfield | | residential | Not set | 91342339 |
Oak Ridge | | residential | Not set | 133902170 |
Old Tinhay | | residential | Not set | 133902167, 133902177, 133902174 |
Park Road | | residential | Not set | 91342324 |
Park Wood Rise | | residential | Not set | 133902180 |
Parsonage Court | | residential | Not set | 91342329 |
The Crescent | | residential | Not set | 91342323, 91342319 |
The Old Rice Mill | | residential | Not set | 133902183 |
The Rowans | | residential | Not set | 91342337 |
Willas Road | | residential | Not set | 91342327 |
| | residential | Not set | 856281558 |
New Road | | tertiary | Not set | 133902166, 133902164 |
Station Road | | tertiary | Not set | 91342338 |
| | tertiary | Not set | 276688682, 149362778, 1094525161, 401388348, 586188704, 586188705, 401388322, 512988888, 47308164, 401388343, 305517493, 305517496, 164972526, 164972524, 37744645, 149362792, 274541723, 274541722, 133902173, 401388330, 37744648, 1017802946, 1017802944, 1017802943, 1094531280, 14676327, 300062653, 183478458 |
| A30 | trunk_link | Not set | 84638860, 84638747, 512988889, 84638784, 84638862 |
| | trunk_link | Not set | 164946643, 1017787339, 47308165, 47308166, 164972522, 164946642 |
Darkey Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 91342334, 91342318 |
Leat Road | | unclassified | Not set | 30284541, 133902176, 133902181, 1223204031, 1223204045, 133902163 |
North Road | | unclassified | Not set | 91342336 |
Spry Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 91342330 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 24705102, 133902182, 276503375, 71166951, 331619713, 133902178, 37744570, 586196170, 586196171, 401388376, 149362763, 274523661, 133902165, 133902168, 149362718, 149362713, 30284581, 30284580, 32037276, 164946641, 288211641, 37744577, 401388339, 503243949, 37744576, 133900995, 133901000, 183478444, 401388371, 586193378, 164972525, 586193379, 401388365, 401388324, 401388321, 274635905, 401388353, 503244386, 32037265, 183473445, 164946640, 183478455, 373613017, 1094531277, 790254854, 189408260, 32037431, 149748604, 149748597, 149748610, 149748599, 288211722, 288211752, 276503366, 276503374, 91342328, 1191673047, 134819193, 149749454, 1017802945, 401388327 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
Barons Road | | residential | Not set | 95026448, 95026427 |
Blackbrook Close | | residential | Not set | 95026413, 95026446 |
Boundary Road | | residential | Not set | 95026435, 95026419 |
Church View | | residential | Not set | 95026418 |
Kings Tor | | residential | Not set | 189666799 |
Lake Lane | | residential | Not set | 149276764 |
Leat Close | | residential | Not set | 95026424 |
Lopes road | | residential | Not set | 95026426 |
Manor Farm | | residential | Not set | 95026415 |
Manor Park | | residential | Not set | 95026441, 95026411, 95026420 |
Marchant's Way | | residential | Not set | 133668312, 133668309 |
Merrivale View Road | | residential | Not set | 95026428, 95026407 |
Myrtle Close | | residential | Not set | 95026422 |
Nine Oaks | | residential | Not set | 95026410 |
Stowford Close | | residential | Not set | 95026431, 95026417 |
Woodlands | | residential | Not set | 95026414, 95026447 |
| | residential | Not set | 800414847, 1135802238 |
| B3212 | secondary | Not set | 520422799 |
Burrator Road | | tertiary | Not set | 149276539 |
Cadover Bridge | | tertiary | Not set | 158179351 |
Gratton Ford Bridge | | tertiary | Not set | 280162116 |
Gratton Lane | | tertiary | Not set | 85523125 |
| | tertiary | Not set | 133668321, 133668315, 215304631, 475815579, 199895787, 132276468, 132271948, 149276793, 96702596, 280162115, 253175381, 199895519, 16543858, 149276788, 199895517, 16544145, 133668311, 253175380 |
Huckworthy Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 195983179 |
Iron Mine Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 95026438 |
Meavy Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 85523050 |
Portland Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 133668313 |
Sparkatown Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 961938529, 95026416, 961938528 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 199894946, 199894919, 149276605, 149276581, 195983178, 149276783, 149276707, 149276630, 149276593, 949546324, 1315392256, 949546323, 158179353, 149276772, 144812096, 133668318, 133668308, 149276749, 942372103, 942372102, 28838656, 133668297, 27717809, 27717743, 27717722, 144808018, 133668304, 133668314, 144812098, 133668306, 475815580, 133668299, 27717665, 133668305, 133668296, 133668320, 149276567, 149276795, 23379128, 132271947, 149276695, 149276663, 133668302, 133668322, 14634606, 360412002, 23379127, 149276730, 149276647, 149276619, 210008777, 195983177, 199896041, 28838655, 69556105, 475816620, 421622922, 421622925, 149276718, 145209028, 199894948, 199894936, 475816619, 199895518, 199895514, 475816618, 199895516, 199895515 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
Higman Close | | residential | Not set | 1191746262 |
South View | | residential | Not set | 133780194 |
Station View | | residential | Not set | 133897781 |
| | residential | Not set | 168609814, 597216296, 133783093, 1277621162, 1302088376, 35707281 |
| | tertiary | Not set | 71217280, 265422421, 364701572, 268859555, 149109194, 149216943, 284622587, 191084361 |
| A386 | trunk | Not set | 133783102, 133783106 |
Batteridge Hill | | unclassified | Not set | 132461582, 39259428, 132461586 |
Brentor Road | | unclassified | Not set | 133783088 |
Burn Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 217487260, 217487265, 35705367, 217487264, 35005613, 217487270 |
Collaton Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 39257860 |
Darke Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 133783101 |
Harford Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 39259427 |
Langsford Road | | unclassified | Not set | 132461584 |
Station Road | | unclassified | Not set | 495689788, 133897782, 1223204034, 1223204036 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 149115469, 133895479, 133895481, 133895454, 149115447, 202036346, 133895473, 133895455, 133895463, 149115463, 98194371, 692007401, 692007399, 692007400, 692007398, 149115459, 168610940, 133895465, 133895457, 149115456, 687668445, 133895475, 133895464, 91904768, 215423356, 39260506, 168621126, 274931096, 35705365, 35705368, 133897784, 133897783, 149216896, 1223204037, 861287902, 149362783, 149362772, 149216960, 149109152, 364701575, 149216963, 29462767, 149109183, 914604774, 149109133, 914604772, 91906286, 274931097, 133897785, 91905614, 29462766, 149109197, 149109162, 698968985, 978375199, 29462765, 149362780, 149362758, 1223204040, 689377387, 689377384, 35005837, 133895480, 149216906, 316100682, 210059468, 210059466, 149109195, 132461585, 210755117, 210059467, 149109196, 149109150, 149109165, 35707287, 215425715, 183495684, 149109192, 133780226, 134956028, 39257878, 833047291, 39257876, 132461576, 132461583, 35707283, 149216914, 833047290, 149216952, 149115474, 149216925, 145817333, 145817334, 265869315, 265869331, 133895466, 149115476, 133895474, 149115470 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
The Old Station | | living_street | Not set | 288067175, 132276465 |
| | living_street | Not set | 117852415 |
Ash Close | | residential | Not set | 85523056 |
Branson Park | | residential | Not set | 132475679, 132475668 |
Chapel Lane | | residential | Not set | 94461528, 94461539 |
Clonway | | residential | Not set | 85523142, 85523069 |
Copperfields | | residential | Not set | 94473441 |
Cox Tor Close | | residential | Not set | 85523043 |
Grange Road | | residential | Not set | 85523025 |
Great Mis Tor Close | | residential | Not set | 414384349, 85523098 |
Greenway Close | | residential | Not set | 94461518 |
Grenofen Close | | residential | Not set | 132475673 |
Harrowbeer Lane | | residential | Not set | 85523102, 85523048 |
Ingra Tor Close | | residential | Not set | 85523047 |
Langton Road | | residential | Not set | 85523062 |
Leather Tor Close | | residential | Not set | 414384351, 85523101 |
Manor Estate | | residential | Not set | 94473416, 94473444 |
Manor Gardens | | residential | Not set | 94473456 |
North Road | | residential | Not set | 85523039, 85523093 |
Old Station Road | | residential | Not set | 94473419 |
Pew Tor Close | | residential | Not set | 85523031 |
Vixen Tor Close | | residential | Not set | 85523111, 414384354 |
| | residential | Not set | 238675667, 85523115, 817459899, 238675666, 238675960, 132276472 |
Merrivale Bridge | B3357 | secondary | Not set | 94229973 |
Station Road | | tertiary | Not set | 132276463, 24339845 |
Whitchurch Road | | tertiary | Not set | 132475671 |
Batteridge Hill | | unclassified | Not set | 132461586 |
Collaton Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 39257860 |
Grenofen Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 148323296 |
Huckworthy Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 195983179 |
Jordan Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 554291497 |
Pennycomequick Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 421624198 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 132475669, 148323300, 132475674, 149281666, 148323298, 777527804, 132470005, 132475667, 648281459, 27792893, 210960368, 149276588, 361796973, 361796971, 149276724, 149276678, 241917782, 284355319, 541926800, 210009205, 149276556, 149276574, 149276699, 149276783, 195983176, 210008782, 85523085, 149276757, 284355318, 149276633, 149276616, 637288436, 636376037, 635433456, 653470493, 132461581, 652085185, 149216903, 421624197, 30283399, 117852417, 132470004, 30283394, 27792886, 149216925, 58112117, 204876750 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
Alexandra Drive | | residential | Not set | 1284475572, 144904489 |
Bedford Villas | | residential | Not set | 43549384 |
Cornwall Street | | residential | Not set | 43513274 |
Drakes Park | | residential | Not set | 43512821, 30281890 |
Drummond Way | | residential | Not set | 34704130 |
Johnson Close | | residential | Not set | 43512640 |
Long Orchard | | residential | Not set | 43554718, 1284475822 |
Marythorne Road | | residential | Not set | 42624614 |
Mayflower Close | | residential | Not set | 42624394 |
Maynard Park | | residential | Not set | 43512996, 42624494 |
Pentillie Close | | residential | Not set | 43549137 |
Pentillie View | | residential | Not set | 43549144, 43559873 |
Pilgrim Drive | | residential | Not set | 1284475578 |
Sherrell Park | | residential | Not set | 43512989, 43512984 |
Silver Street | | residential | Not set | 131820760 |
St Andrews Close | | residential | Not set | 43549878, 43549875, 42624136 |
Stephens Close | | residential | Not set | 513180278 |
Tamar Close | | residential | Not set | 43513181 |
The Down | | residential | Not set | 144904488 |
Trevethan Park | | residential | Not set | 131820759 |
Trinity Close | | residential | Not set | 1336789711, 43513765 |
Whitehall Drive | | residential | Not set | 43549399 |
| | residential | Not set | 840271675, 131820756 |
Bedford Street | B3257 | secondary | Not set | 1284475633 |
| B3257 | secondary | Not set | 182205204, 30283435 |
Broad Park Road | | unclassified | Not set | 1004775988, 1004775987, 144905682, 144904487 |
Denham Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 235447329 |
Fore Street | | unclassified | Not set | 43550118 |
Hensbury Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 98775855, 983263570, 30282230 |
Ley Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 171880834, 171880836 |
Lockeridge Road | | unclassified | Not set | 1284475820, 1284475821, 1284475823, 42280446, 43561801, 1284475806, 1284475805, 1284475818 |
Pentillie Road | | unclassified | Not set | 131818404 |
Station Road | | unclassified | Not set | 30281885, 1284475804, 43512500, 43561342, 1300893082, 43512510, 43561803 |
The Down | | unclassified | Not set | 43549472, 1284475569 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 171880838, 30282525, 978375196, 978375195, 43557941, 43557942, 541951746, 30282539, 978892971, 235447328, 406547395, 43549471, 406547394, 406547393, 1284475545, 1284475546, 340121368, 30282036, 98775854, 1284476244, 98775851, 30282204, 30282178, 30282067, 30282085, 983263566, 983263567, 30282144, 43513287, 34657589, 42625141, 1248794835, 1248057820, 406546568, 34707124, 34657712, 132209951, 132209953, 34658738, 406381925, 406381517, 406381520, 42622374, 182205205, 182205206, 30282482, 30282463, 261521288, 1040907544 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
Beechfield Avenue | | residential | Not set | 85523055, 85523116 |
Binkham Hill | | residential | Not set | 85523124 |
Boconnic Lane | | residential | Not set | 85523140 |
Briar Tor | | residential | Not set | 85523113 |
Butland Meadow | | residential | Not set | 178666591, 178666592 |
Chapel Meadow | | residential | Not set | 839866271, 131701527, 839866272, 131701518, 131701529 |
Cox Tor Close | | residential | Not set | 85523043 |
Devon Tors Road | | residential | Not set | 85523127 |
Elford Park | | residential | Not set | 85523028 |
Grange Road | | residential | Not set | 85523025 |
Grenville Park | | residential | Not set | 85523120 |
Harrowbeer Lane | | residential | Not set | 85523048 |
Hazel Grove | | residential | Not set | 85523053 |
Hillside Close | | residential | Not set | 131770034, 131770047 |
Holt Close | | residential | Not set | 740104233 |
Ladybird Lane | | residential | Not set | 892701145 |
Langton Road | | residential | Not set | 85523062 |
Moorland Court | | residential | Not set | 85523138 |
Morley Drive | | residential | Not set | 95026421, 95026445 |
Old Quarry Road | | residential | Not set | 131701528 |
Ottor Road | | residential | Not set | 740104232 |
The Crescent | | residential | Not set | 30282902 |
The Village | | residential | Not set | 131770049 |
Westella Road | | residential | Not set | 85523038 |
Whistley Down | | residential | Not set | 85523121 |
| | residential | Not set | 132276472, 85523115, 297146583, 54609261, 95026433, 715823403 |
Dousland Road | B3212 | secondary | Not set | 186260411, 183259831 |
Meavy Lane | | tertiary | Not set | 414384353, 1299818953 |
| | tertiary | Not set | 27792491, 170965689, 27792454, 414384355, 35709881 |
Axtown Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 85523054 |
Denham Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 235447329 |
Green Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 85523129 |
Grenofen Bridge | | unclassified | Not set | 148323296 |
Pound Road | | unclassified | Not set | 27792620 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 19208046, 85523108, 984942476, 131787056, 30282729, 984942475, 131770036, 1203420680, 358038719, 30282795, 27792523, 247985303, 148323291, 30282859, 30282863, 131780660, 148323289, 647369624, 258353614, 27792553, 117852417, 131787050, 27792440, 85523085, 95026443, 414384357, 30282922, 148323293, 148323294, 414384361, 148323299, 95026423, 414384356, 360410923 |
Name | Ref | Highway class | Verdict | OSM IDs |
| | pedestrian | Not set | 131816869 |
Abbey Close | | residential | Not set | 95026425 |
Abbey Meadow | | residential | Not set | 171028542 |
Binkham Hill | | residential | Not set | 85523077, 85523124 |
Eastella Road | | residential | Not set | 85523045 |
Elford Park | | residential | Not set | 85523028 |
Grenville Park | | residential | Not set | 414384350, 85523120 |
Kirkella Road | | residential | Not set | 85523034 |
Lake Lane | | residential | Not set | 149276764 |
Meavy Bourne | | residential | Not set | 85523123 |
Midella Road | | residential | Not set | 85523141 |
Moorland Close | | residential | Not set | 133670045 |
Moorland Court | | residential | Not set | 85523138, 85523061 |
Moor View Terrace | | residential | Not set | 85523035 |
Morley Drive | | residential | Not set | 95026445 |
Seaton Way | | residential | Not set | 95026409, 95026429, 95026439 |
Southella Road | | residential | Not set | 85523024 |
St Albans Park | | residential | Not set | 85523146 |
The Crescent | | residential | Not set | 30282902 |
The Glade | | residential | Not set | 95026408, 95026434, 95026406 |
The Green | | residential | Not set | 131817698, 131817702, 131816876 |
Westella Road | | residential | Not set | 85523038 |
Willowby Gardens | | residential | Not set | 85523139 |
Willowby Park | | residential | Not set | 85523030 |
Woodchurch | | residential | Not set | 95026412 |
| | residential | Not set | 95026432, 95026433, 54609261, 715823403, 715823406 |
Dousland Road | B3212 | secondary | Not set | 186260411 |
Gratton Lane | | tertiary | Not set | 85523125 |
Meavy Lane | | tertiary | Not set | 1299818954, 1299818953, 1299818955, 414384352, 85523154 |
| | tertiary | Not set | 170965689, 23379126, 133670047, 279443075, 204876758, 279443074, 59310439, 27792454, 27792491, 414384355, 414384358, 35709881 |
Alley Hill | | unclassified | Not set | 85523037 |
Axtown Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 85523054 |
Church Hill | | unclassified | Not set | 131816859 |
Common Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 1035812852 |
Drake's Trail | | unclassified | Not set | 182563458, 1061050851, 182563455, 182563459, 182564527 |
Golf Links Road | | unclassified | Not set | 133670043 |
Green Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 85523129 |
Little Down Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 16540482 |
Meavy Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 85523050 |
Pound Road | | unclassified | Not set | 27792620 |
Roborough Down Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 98444452 |
Stoke Hill Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 30282934 |
Yeoland Lane | | unclassified | Not set | 133670051 |
| | unclassified | Not set | 131787050, 1251748051, 541746618, 541746622, 30282945, 1251748052, 27792422, 14634502, 19208046, 360410923, 23379127, 1061050855, 1061050854, 182564531, 414384356, 27792508, 27792433, 541746623, 27792391, 27792440, 30282931, 96584797, 27792553, 95026440, 414384357, 30282922, 30282896, 95026423, 30283019, 27792523, 1251747993, 1251747995, 1251747994, 98444428, 267626603, 267626604 |