Road maximum speed limits in Broadland

MPH< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mph
IssuesNot setNo unitUnparseable

Broadland 001A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
living_street0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %57.83 %40.16 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %2.01 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %70.81 %28.42 %0.00 %0.00 %0.77 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
  residentialNot set693164686, 693164687

Broadland 001B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
living_street0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %54.63 %43.45 %1.92 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %53.33 %31.06 %0.44 %0.00 %15.17 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Broadland 001C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
living_street0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %35.87 %48.00 %0.25 %0.00 %3.54 %0.00 %0.00 %3.97 %0.00 %8.38 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %31.34 %0.00 %68.66 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.26 %16.05 %0.11 %15.64 %67.94 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %32.71 %67.29 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %4.30 %3.45 %0.66 %90.41 %0.00 %0.00 %1.17 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Aegel Gardens residentialNot set1319590235, 836775413
Chapel Close residentialUnparseable100074066
Croft Lane residentialUnparseable155287686, 120062907
The Green residentialUnparseable100074072
Thieves' Lane residentialUnparseable100074074
  residentialNot set100495038, 691406395, 691406393, 691406394
  unclassifiedNot set100495041

Broadland 001D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
pedestrian0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %38.15 %31.01 %2.37 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %28.48 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %65.38 %0.00 %34.62 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.59 %7.78 %0.00 %0.00 %91.63 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.22 %0.16 %0.00 %99.63 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
  pedestrianNot set159296331, 159296327
Jubilee Road residentialNot set699272107
Keymer Close residentialNot set699272106, 699272105
Liz Jones Way residentialNot set677603440, 677603441
Muskett Way residentialNot set699272109, 699272108
Nelson Close residentialNot set677603438, 677603436
  residentialNot set1266812622, 1266812611, 1266812621, 338222576, 1266812610, 727743559, 727743558, 699272104, 699272103, 855285743, 878092394, 1266812617, 506205665, 506205666, 506205664

Broadland 001E

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
living_street0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %71.07 %26.59 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %2.33 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %25.21 %43.40 %0.00 %0.00 %31.39 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %1.03 %40.95 %0.00 %0.00 %58.02 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Aegel Gardens residentialNot set836775413
Prince of Wales Drive residentialNot set1072992649, 1072992650
The Maltings residentialNot set99094995

Broadland 002A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
living_street0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %33.27 %34.72 %0.00 %0.00 %9.45 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %22.56 %
tertiary0.00 %3.43 %9.05 %0.00 %0.00 %87.52 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.13 %5.32 %0.00 %0.00 %93.06 %0.00 %0.00 %1.49 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Dawsons Lane residentialUnparseable504379990, 152834838, 504379989
Low Common Close residentialUnparseable152834851, 504379991, 152834850
Twyford Lane residentialUnparseable308220918
Green Lane unclassifiedNot set153170369

Broadland 002B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
pedestrian0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %94.33 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %3.34 %0.00 %2.32 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %9.69 %0.00 %8.10 %82.21 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %15.50 %0.00 %0.00 %84.50 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %21.56 %0.00 %0.13 %76.01 %0.00 %0.00 %2.30 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Church Farm Barns pedestrianNot set480939642
Marshams Court residentialUnparseable595053717, 595053716
  residentialNot set817464322
Park Lane unclassifiedNot set230732686
  unclassifiedNot set480939645

Broadland 002C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %28.64 %15.14 %56.22 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %29.45 %52.99 %7.76 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %1.99 %0.00 %7.81 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %35.02 %63.69 %1.29 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %3.93 %11.39 %0.20 %0.20 %84.27 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %2.10 %8.21 %0.37 %0.00 %86.88 %0.00 %0.00 %2.45 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Bridge Close residentialNot set1189092906
Hubbards Loke residentialUnparseable544505133, 595127751, 595127752
Mill Lane residentialUnparseable595102129, 595102128
Colton Road unclassifiedNot set211656689
Hall Drive unclassifiedNot set5118052
  unclassifiedNot set55689096, 5118055

Broadland 002D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %32.89 %43.57 %22.69 %0.00 %0.85 %0.00 %0.00 %
primary_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %13.43 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %84.12 %0.00 %2.45 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %5.38 %94.62 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %12.47 %1.85 %0.00 %85.68 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %5.12 %0.00 %0.00 %91.77 %0.00 %0.00 %3.11 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Fakenham RoadA1067primaryNot set205938152, 507727234
Charmbeck Park residentialNot set153361393, 153361394
Quaker Court residentialUnparseable153812945, 418952996
Woodlands Park residentialNot set594977696, 594978249
  residentialNot set674457462, 674457461, 153361409, 153361411, 153361410, 153361405, 153361401, 1081230869, 1321646410, 153361399, 153361396, 153361395, 153361398, 153361414, 153361402, 230729538, 153361404
  unclassifiedNot set386468827

Broadland 002E

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
living_street0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %75.01 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %24.99 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %20.46 %0.00 %0.00 %79.54 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %2.12 %7.64 %0.00 %0.00 %90.24 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %2.37 %11.25 %0.00 %0.00 %85.40 %0.00 %0.00 %0.98 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Abbs Close residentialNot set152481578
Merchants Yard residentialNot set629499360
  residentialNot set688383284, 680514267, 688383289
Whitwell Common unclassifiedNot set153170387, 153170393

Broadland 002F

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
living_street0.00 %0.00 %73.49 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %26.51 %
residential0.00 %9.31 %89.08 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %1.61 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %65.41 %0.00 %0.00 %34.59 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %6.39 %88.13 %0.00 %0.00 %5.47 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %5.18 %43.25 %0.00 %0.00 %51.57 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Malthouse Yard living_streetUnparseable119060843
Laburnum Grove residentialUnparseable119719055, 497992642

Broadland 003A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential24.01 %0.00 %55.27 %2.85 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %10.64 %0.00 %7.23 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %25.90 %5.71 %21.25 %47.15 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %4.27 %2.52 %0.62 %0.76 %81.20 %0.00 %0.00 %10.64 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Drakes Loke residentialUnparseable117705874
Mill Reach residentialUnparseable284610579, 109845306
Old Hall Gardens residentialNot set109844641
  residentialNot set100495038, 693046584, 691610441
Jaguar Drive unclassifiedNot set381991741
  unclassifiedNot set100495041, 100111087, 153559074, 100111086, 100111084, 153559083, 153559078

Broadland 003B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %77.31 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %9.05 %0.00 %13.65 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %51.31 %0.00 %0.00 %48.69 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %26.51 %0.00 %0.00 %73.49 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Fred Edge Close residentialUnparseable595005886, 595005888
Mill Field Court residentialUnparseable153217877, 153217874
Mill Reach residentialUnparseable284610579
  residentialNot set694625503, 694625502

Broadland 003C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.60 %95.69 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %3.71 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %16.58 %30.89 %23.73 %0.00 %28.80 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %3.75 %0.10 %57.18 %0.00 %38.96 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %14.82 %1.08 %0.00 %84.09 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
  residentialNot set694496364, 758074776

Broadland 003D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %18.60 %59.87 %0.00 %3.72 %9.84 %0.00 %0.00 %7.97 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %2.74 %31.73 %0.56 %25.83 %39.14 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %19.00 %0.00 %0.74 %80.26 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %19.62 %0.09 %1.17 %75.99 %0.00 %0.00 %0.84 %0.00 %2.29 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Fiddlers Loke residentialNot set103467181
Havergate residentialNot set103176196
  residentialNot set507961312, 694496364, 507961326, 756416694
Common Loke unclassifiedUnparseable103543968
  unclassifiedNot set574841600

Broadland 004A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %68.81 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %31.19 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %32.58 %21.89 %1.39 %44.13 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %29.70 %0.00 %0.00 %70.30 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %64.32 %35.68 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %56.76 %0.00 %0.00 %43.24 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
  residentialNot set675386629, 675386622, 675386625, 675386627, 684284860, 684284861, 693951353

Broadland 004B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %48.07 %38.17 %0.17 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %13.60 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %8.14 %91.86 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %3.42 %22.21 %19.20 %0.48 %54.69 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %47.03 %18.12 %34.85 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %1.27 %9.45 %0.39 %0.42 %87.23 %0.00 %0.00 %1.23 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Edwin Close residentialUnparseable153162637
Edwin Way residentialUnparseable153162640
Phillipo Way residentialUnparseable595111150, 595111155, 595111159
Westgate Street residentialUnparseable100327660
  unclassifiedNot set100495041

Broadland 004C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential1.36 %0.00 %44.20 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %53.77 %0.00 %0.67 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %45.99 %0.00 %54.01 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %20.82 %3.93 %0.30 %74.94 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %26.85 %0.00 %0.00 %73.15 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Abels Close residentialUnparseable594965858
Blythe Way residentialNot set503080698
Chestnut Drive residentialNot set1191731557, 1250589741
Dyer Close residentialNot set503080699
Eva Close residentialNot set501694789
Flag Cutters Way residentialNot set1191731559, 1290615998
Harvey Close residentialNot set680514232, 503080702
Larwood Way residentialNot set503080712
Memorial Road residentialNot set503080711, 1290615996, 1290615995
Moore Close residentialNot set503080706
Park View residentialNot set501693397
Pinelands Road residentialNot set91874129
Pyehurn Lane residentialNot set91874209
Rowan Crescent residentialNot set727711373
Thomas Way residentialNot set503080701, 503080700
Willow Way residentialNot set1191731558
  residentialNot set503080715, 680514233, 727711371, 727711372, 675146633, 1191731556, 503080703, 675146631, 675146630, 503080710, 503080707, 727711374

Broadland 004D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %6.04 %93.96 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
primary_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %53.92 %46.08 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %28.00 %40.49 %0.00 %0.00 %15.09 %0.00 %0.00 %15.05 %0.00 %1.36 %
secondary0.00 %18.87 %35.54 %23.24 %0.00 %22.35 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %10.90 %10.92 %40.85 %37.33 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %88.59 %11.41 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %5.12 %0.00 %0.94 %93.94 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Church View residentialNot set982441441
Crown Hill residentialUnparseable594983004, 594983005
Flag Cutters Way residentialNot set1191731555, 1191731559
Rowan Crescent residentialNot set727711373
Steve Read Way residentialNot set1214289951
Willow Way residentialNot set1191731558
  residentialNot set784390742, 982441444, 982441442, 727711371, 982441443, 1189093812

Broadland 004E

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %96.78 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %3.22 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %7.45 %92.55 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Pyehurn Close residentialNot set503081769
Pyehurn Lane residentialNot set91874209
  residentialNot set503081770

Broadland 005A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %88.41 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %11.59 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %65.28 %0.00 %0.00 %34.72 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %18.82 %81.18 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %57.73 %42.27 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.70 %0.00 %29.29 %0.00 %0.00 %61.03 %0.00 %0.00 %8.98 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Barley Close residentialNot set1190534157
Crown Meadow Way residentialNot set1190534158
Post Mill Close residentialNot set1190534156
The Lodge Swanpool residentialNot set734377548, 792378599
East Farm LaneU57178unclassifiedNot set91706107
  unclassifiedNot set697969816, 846719356

Broadland 005B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %1.18 %51.53 %0.90 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %46.39 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %1.30 %98.70 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %47.54 %14.34 %0.00 %38.12 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %2.86 %97.14 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %99.79 %0.00 %0.00 %0.21 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Harrier Road residentialNot set1117793295
Pheonix Avenue residentialNot set1214798250
  residentialNot set1117793300, 1117793299, 1117793293, 1117793294, 1117793296, 1117793297, 1117793298, 1117793301, 1117793302
  unclassifiedNot set1106361569

Broadland 005C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %99.13 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.87 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
  residentialNot set737751410, 823183989

Broadland 005D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %6.60 %93.40 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Broadland 006A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Broadland 006B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %99.41 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.59 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %20.75 %0.00 %0.00 %79.25 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
  residentialNot set866599666

Broadland 006C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %17.48 %0.00 %0.00 %4.93 %77.59 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %28.12 %68.36 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %3.52 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %88.04 %0.00 %11.96 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %35.60 %0.00 %0.00 %64.40 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Davidson Gardens residentialUnparseable503076973
Holly Close residentialUnparseable503076975

Broadland 006D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %99.54 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.46 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
  residentialNot set933840792

Broadland 006E

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %34.10 %0.00 %65.90 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %82.14 %13.78 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %4.08 %
tertiary0.00 %41.51 %58.47 %0.02 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %81.18 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %18.82 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Draper Way residentialUnparseable906761452
Nathaniel Close residentialUnparseable906761453
Paper Mill Way residentialUnparseable1189091261
  unclassifiedNot set859350311, 859350310

Broadland 006F

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %24.62 %75.38 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %64.04 %28.81 %7.15 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %37.70 %62.30 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Broadland 006G

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
living_street0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %11.83 %88.17 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %97.82 %0.00 %0.00 %2.18 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Broadland 007A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %15.78 %84.22 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %4.00 %96.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %70.50 %29.50 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Broadland 007B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %18.11 %75.34 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %6.55 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %0.73 %25.19 %74.08 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %10.17 %72.27 %0.00 %0.00 %17.56 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Brick Farm Lane residentialNot set61454949
Fullers Loke residentialNot set233047673, 61454953
  residentialNot set848367546

Broadland 007C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
living_street0.00 %8.06 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %91.94 %0.00 %0.00 %
primary0.00 %0.00 %50.48 %49.52 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %99.64 %0.36 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %4.28 %0.00 %0.00 %95.72 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
John Booty Close living_streetNot set1024009215
Kybird Close living_streetNot set1024009224
Philpott Close living_streetNot set1024009218, 1024009219, 1024009217, 1024009220
Sidney Bunn Way living_streetNot set1024009210, 1024009209, 1024009208, 1024009212, 1024009211

Broadland 007D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
living_street0.00 %19.46 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %80.54 %0.00 %0.00 %
primary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %27.98 %69.84 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %2.17 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.81 %73.09 %0.00 %0.00 %26.10 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.99 %0.00 %0.00 %99.01 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Kybird Close living_streetNot set1024009221, 1024009222, 1024009224
Sidney Bunn Way living_streetNot set1024009214
  residentialNot set692926817

Broadland 008A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
pedestrian0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %28.93 %44.51 %0.00 %0.00 %4.38 %0.00 %0.00 %21.81 %0.00 %0.37 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %36.44 %2.23 %0.00 %61.33 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %50.90 %0.00 %0.00 %35.81 %0.00 %0.00 %13.28 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
  pedestrianNot set1289602126
Cozens-Wiley Road residentialNot set240824596, 240824597, 240824598, 240824595, 240824599
Hale Court residentialUnparseable153590903
Old Hall Road residentialNot set240824610, 721870478
Penrice Road residentialNot set727707190
  residentialNot set727707191, 1289602125, 881846723, 1289590812, 1289590811, 850470051, 1289590806, 1289590810, 727707192, 933366278, 1289602129, 1289590808
  unclassifiedNot set62997361

Broadland 008B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %59.52 %14.34 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %26.14 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %21.56 %30.16 %0.00 %48.28 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %9.72 %57.24 %0.00 %33.04 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Lawn Crescent residentialNot set152453932
South Walk residentialNot set27952340
The Boulevard residentialNot set152453939, 152453940, 38926607
Woodland Drive residentialNot set27952339

Broadland 008C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %91.96 %8.04 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %27.80 %30.96 %4.70 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %33.25 %0.00 %3.29 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %32.22 %23.06 %0.00 %44.73 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %10.18 %89.82 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified3.31 %0.00 %27.32 %4.79 %0.93 %59.92 %0.00 %0.00 %3.73 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Greenfield Way residentialNot set1189109713
Hewer Close residentialNot set1189108620
Jenkinson Road residentialNot set1189108624
Middleton Close residentialNot set1189108622
Newman Road residentialUnparseable152448982
Palmer Road residentialNot set121262062
Sam Smith Way residentialNot set1189109714
Spencer Road residentialNot set1189108625
Warden Way residentialNot set1189108623
  residentialNot set1189108621, 1311281253, 1311281126, 1311281127, 1189108619, 721599224, 765957789, 877788695, 802377741
  unclassifiedNot set466419203, 466419196, 631657595, 817892361

Broadland 008D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %9.09 %90.91 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %29.84 %49.00 %3.64 %0.00 %1.75 %0.00 %0.00 %9.26 %0.00 %6.52 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %14.61 %24.88 %0.00 %60.51 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %37.68 %6.69 %36.42 %19.21 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %15.67 %0.00 %12.92 %50.92 %0.00 %0.00 %20.49 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Chapel Loke residentialUnparseable141433563
Hall Drive residentialNot set502126388
Ron Fielder Close residentialUnparseable506195402, 506195403
  residentialNot set695766794
Howletts Loke unclassifiedNot set1186469639, 1186469638, 107714414
Wrights Meadow unclassifiedNot set997672903

Broadland 008E

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary1.22 %0.00 %64.05 %0.00 %34.73 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %92.27 %0.00 %0.00 %1.25 %0.00 %0.00 %3.67 %0.00 %2.80 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %15.03 %67.58 %0.00 %17.39 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %56.42 %0.12 %0.00 %43.46 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Bridge Broad Close residentialNot set153208637, 77949404
Bure Close residentialNot set233081968, 233081962
Christopher Way residentialNot set506201062
Church Terrace residentialUnparseable153208639
Plattens Court residentialUnparseable153208641

Broadland 009A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
living_street0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %87.27 %12.06 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.66 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %16.31 %83.69 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Catton Chase residentialNot set782061808

Broadland 009B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %60.19 %35.41 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %4.40 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %6.31 %0.00 %0.00 %93.69 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %15.96 %68.61 %15.43 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Austin Way residentialNot set245448986, 245448985
Ernest Drive residentialNot set245448988, 245448989
  residentialNot set1117793294

Broadland 009C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %21.62 %78.38 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %7.87 %92.13 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Broadland 009D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %13.37 %86.63 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %98.37 %1.63 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %33.36 %64.71 %1.93 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Broadland 009E

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %61.45 %5.48 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %33.07 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %50.78 %31.36 %0.00 %0.00 %17.86 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Bailey Close residentialNot set917524245
Burrows Close residentialNot set1117464237
Coller Road residentialNot set1117464241, 1117464239, 1117464240, 1117464238
Foulser Close residentialNot set1117464235
Graves Avenue residentialNot set1117464242
Juby Court residentialNot set1117437954
Money Road residentialNot set917524244
  residentialNot set1117464236, 1117464234, 936928337

Broadland 010A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %15.39 %84.61 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %96.86 %0.00 %3.14 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Broadland 010B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.36 %99.64 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %6.35 %93.65 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Broadland 010C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %13.65 %0.00 %86.35 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Broadland 010D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
primary_link0.00 %0.00 %82.41 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %17.59 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %15.95 %78.08 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %5.91 %0.00 %0.06 %
tertiary0.00 %8.90 %47.07 %0.00 %0.00 %44.03 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %98.60 %1.40 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Drayton High RoadA1067primary_linkNot set1261600806, 1261600805
Angus Mackay Court residentialUnparseable505508280
Birchwood Road residentialNot set1189403065, 1189403072
Carrowbeck Close residentialNot set566565875
Nursery Close residentialNot set797873159

Broadland 011A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %8.92 %84.67 %0.02 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %6.39 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %93.10 %6.90 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %52.82 %47.18 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk_link0.00 %0.00 %9.39 %90.61 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Silk Mill Road residentialNot set755151903, 1272603114, 1272603113
  residentialNot set1272603136

Broadland 011B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
living_street0.00 %44.62 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %55.38 %0.00 %0.00 %
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential6.62 %0.39 %71.57 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %21.42 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %78.50 %21.50 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Ash Close living_streetNot set1236713022
Elder Close living_streetNot set1228750199, 1228750200, 1228750201
Acorn Close residentialNot set1236713012, 1236713014, 1236713013
Beech Close residentialNot set1105738491, 1236957036
Birchwood Road residentialNot set1189403072, 1236957035, 1236957034, 1189403079
Elder Close residentialNot set1228750198, 956276072
Rowan Close residentialNot set956276070, 956276069
Shrub Lane residentialNot set1267462115
Sycamore Court residentialNot set1019368304, 1228750197
Timber Close residentialNot set1267462114

Broadland 011C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
primary_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.28 %10.52 %84.94 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.37 %0.00 %3.90 %
tertiary0.00 %28.64 %71.36 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %68.42 %31.58 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Drayton High RoadA1067primary_linkNot set1261600805
Angus Mackay Court residentialUnparseable505508277, 505508280
Birchwood Road residentialNot set1189403065, 1189403072, 1189403079

Broadland 012A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
pedestrian0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %88.90 %11.10 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
  pedestrianNot set1061309247

Broadland 012B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %94.71 %0.00 %5.29 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %18.17 %81.83 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %9.51 %53.66 %0.00 %36.83 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %2.95 %97.05 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified5.23 %0.00 %12.31 %0.00 %0.00 %82.46 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Broadland 012C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %87.58 %12.42 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Broadland 012D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %69.31 %29.18 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %1.51 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %89.83 %10.17 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Amos Bacon Close residentialNot set505549700

Broadland 013A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %95.96 %4.04 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Broadland 013B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
living_street0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %66.76 %1.14 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %32.10 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %3.63 %31.65 %48.04 %0.00 %16.68 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %44.46 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %55.54 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Partridge Close living_streetNot set804575451, 804575450
Starling Avenue living_streetNot set804575449
Towler Drive living_streetNot set825245226
Bolton Road residentialNot set547749682
Bourges Court residentialNot set547749676, 547749678, 547749680, 547749679
Cordwainer Close residentialNot set825245253, 825245254
Ellis Close residentialNot set547749685, 547749684
Flycatcher Way residentialNot set858073363, 828426012
Grouse Close residentialNot set1191236521
Mallet Close residentialNot set547749690, 547749689
Overstrand Way residentialNot set1162950547
Petrel Close residentialNot set858073364
Randall Road residentialNot set547749693
Red Admiral Way residentialNot set1294945758
Skipper Way residentialNot set1294945761
Southall Way residentialNot set547749691, 547749687
  residentialNot set547749673, 1294945759, 1294945760
Cormorant Drive unclassifiedNot set1101042890, 1101042891
Waxwing Way unclassifiedNot set1101042889, 1101042888

Broadland 013C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %99.37 %0.63 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified33.01 %0.00 %66.99 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Broadland 013D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %99.75 %0.25 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified56.74 %0.00 %43.26 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Broadland 013E

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %39.69 %0.00 %60.31 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.49 %73.22 %6.57 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %19.73 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %41.81 %58.19 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Blaxter Way residentialNot set609722405, 503086167, 38706943, 38706956, 609722404
Conroy Close residentialNot set609722406
Egyptian Goose Road residentialNot set503086179, 547749710, 503086181
Eider Court residentialNot set671801025
Everett Close residentialNot set503086185, 720163441
Goodson Road residentialNot set609722402, 503086182
Heron Close residentialNot set817457726
Lurkins Crescent residentialNot set503086162
Overstrand Way residentialNot set547749702, 1101044604, 547749703
Swan Lane residentialNot set675148139
Wroxham Road residentialNot set293402633
  residentialNot set720163442, 720163440, 547749669, 503086175, 760454261

Broadland 014A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %79.03 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %18.05 %0.00 %2.92 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %14.32 %24.81 %0.00 %60.86 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %31.98 %0.00 %0.00 %68.02 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified5.76 %0.00 %23.02 %0.09 %0.00 %71.12 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Common Lane residentialNot set1302482791, 119675838
Common Road residentialNot set119675835
Harrold Close residentialUnparseable152610521, 504422881
Pheasant Walk residentialNot set152610537
  residentialNot set693121650, 119675841

Broadland 014B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %8.51 %35.82 %0.00 %0.00 %1.79 %0.00 %0.00 %51.03 %0.00 %2.84 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %12.81 %0.00 %0.00 %87.19 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %48.05 %7.50 %0.24 %44.21 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %43.95 %0.00 %56.05 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %1.66 %0.00 %2.65 %95.69 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Alec East Road residentialNot set1193932348, 1193560232, 969724354
Baker Loke residentialUnparseable152636783, 152636781
Blyth Close residentialNot set703421017
Charles Marler Way residentialNot set1193560235, 1193932349, 931076729
Edrich Loke residentialUnparseable152636795
Gowen Green residentialNot set1319617909, 1319617910
Post Office Close residentialUnparseable506195291
Shreeve Road residentialNot set703421014
Town Green Close residentialUnparseable240828949, 240828950
William Brown Drive residentialNot set931076730
  residentialNot set679630742, 703421022, 703421023, 703421015, 703421016, 703421018, 703421024, 703421025, 1318969128, 1193560234, 1193560233, 679630741, 679630740, 819413368, 691564897

Broadland 014C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %84.71 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %1.69 %0.00 %13.60 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %40.12 %0.00 %0.00 %59.88 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %24.69 %0.00 %0.00 %75.31 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Bullies Way residentialUnparseable62955954
Dunch Crescent residentialUnparseable153374392
Francis Lane residentialUnparseable63026173
Laundry Lane residentialUnparseable499054104
Orchard Close residentialUnparseable62957395
Sylvan Way residentialNot set63025026
Villavon Way residentialUnparseable63025242
  residentialNot set1074172292

Broadland 014D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
living_street0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %12.42 %73.61 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %8.68 %0.00 %5.29 %
tertiary0.00 %21.03 %77.58 %0.00 %0.00 %1.39 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %59.20 %0.00 %0.00 %40.80 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Alec East Road residentialNot set1193932348
Charles Marler Way residentialNot set1193932349
Library Close residentialUnparseable1171545529, 831659094, 865071168, 280995488
  residentialNot set1190969736, 692585706, 1193560233, 692585709

Broadland 014E

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %95.85 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %4.15 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %3.00 %2.00 %95.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %19.68 %0.00 %0.11 %80.21 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %33.58 %0.00 %6.60 %59.82 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
  residentialNot set777636507

Broadland 014F

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %98.57 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %1.43 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %90.76 %0.00 %0.00 %9.24 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Kingsdale residentialNot set131682950

Broadland 015A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %98.11 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %1.89 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %65.30 %34.70 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
  residentialNot set706680106

Broadland 015B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %97.44 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %2.56 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Janet Smith Close residentialNot set694626556
  residentialNot set698726023

Broadland 015C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %93.37 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %6.63 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Bodmin Court residentialNot set692942322, 692942324
Thunder Lane residentialNot set694747971
  residentialNot set694747972

Broadland 015D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential7.08 %0.00 %92.92 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Broadland 015E

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %94.94 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %5.06 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %55.72 %44.28 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk_link0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Janet Smith Close residentialNot set694626556
  residentialNot set1013267211

Broadland 016A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
living_street0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %7.32 %92.68 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Broadland 016B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
living_street0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
primary0.00 %0.00 %96.97 %3.03 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential17.40 %14.72 %66.47 %0.94 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.48 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %28.81 %71.19 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk_link0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %14.86 %85.14 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
  residentialNot set838312329

Broadland 016C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
living_street0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %98.14 %0.56 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %1.30 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %35.21 %38.65 %0.00 %26.13 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Woodland Drive residentialNot set27952339
  residentialNot set620613149, 620613151

Broadland 016D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
primary_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %6.72 %89.90 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %3.38 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified2.78 %0.00 %80.09 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %17.13 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Yarmouth RoadA1242primary_linkNot set1253166188, 1253166189
Western Avenue residentialNot set890968007, 890968009
Girlings Lane unclassifiedNot set43269282

Broadland 017A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.74 %97.06 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %2.20 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %51.57 %48.43 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
  residentialNot set675200898, 675200900

Broadland 017B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %23.11 %56.97 %0.00 %0.00 %5.28 %0.00 %0.00 %14.65 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %5.74 %47.97 %6.21 %0.00 %40.08 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %34.19 %0.00 %2.07 %63.74 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %46.46 %0.00 %30.18 %23.36 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %3.40 %24.32 %19.85 %0.00 %52.43 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Cooper Row residentialNot set503089835
Gray Close residentialNot set503089828, 503089831
Heron Drive residentialNot set1319571093
James Adams Close residentialNot set1189110787, 1189110788
Maurecourt Drive residentialNot set503089823, 503089825
Varvel Close residentialNot set503089832, 503089830
  residentialNot set766869575, 675200898

Broadland 017C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %4.39 %82.62 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %10.44 %0.00 %2.55 %
tertiary0.00 %6.34 %56.60 %0.00 %0.00 %37.06 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified2.11 %0.00 %11.21 %0.00 %0.00 %85.56 %0.00 %0.00 %1.12 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Bells Loke residentialUnparseable506019273
Braydeston Avenue residentialNot set152993002, 152993001
Brickfields residentialUnparseable27469065
Mill Meadow residentialNot set916605964, 829669265
  residentialNot set694620541
  unclassifiedNot set962664503

Broadland 017D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %72.56 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %19.24 %0.00 %8.20 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %15.13 %26.39 %0.00 %58.49 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %7.72 %0.22 %0.00 %92.06 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %8.91 %0.00 %0.00 %91.09 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Barley Close residentialNot set26565472
Oakland Mews residentialNot set691752173
Oak Tree Close residentialUnparseable153213752
Peregrine Close residentialNot set1205463212, 1205463211, 556355327
William Black Way residentialNot set837345923
Woodland View residentialUnparseable27465876
  residentialNot set868400071

Broadland 018A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %38.61 %0.00 %61.39 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential3.48 %0.00 %78.98 %12.69 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %4.85 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %92.71 %2.88 %0.00 %4.41 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %90.22 %9.78 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Fletcher Way residentialNot set1021465877
Oaks Lea residentialNot set1211236489, 727705400
  residentialNot set1021465847, 1021465843, 727705399

Broadland 018B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %35.41 %52.43 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %12.16 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %5.41 %40.13 %0.00 %0.00 %54.46 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %11.19 %7.53 %81.28 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk_link0.00 %0.00 %6.32 %0.00 %0.00 %59.22 %34.46 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.76 %0.00 %42.43 %0.00 %0.00 %56.81 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Alder Way residentialNot set1320057151, 1190525355
Daisy Way residentialNot set1190525357
Daniels Close residentialNot set1320057159
Middlesex Lane residentialNot set26587486
Poppy Way residentialNot set1320057158
Primrose Drive residentialNot set1320057156
  residentialNot set1320057155, 737187372, 737187373

Broadland 018C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %16.89 %66.58 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %13.21 %0.00 %3.32 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %31.67 %11.82 %0.00 %56.51 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %30.96 %8.05 %0.00 %60.98 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Barn Owl Close residentialNot set803585726
Kestrel Court residentialUnparseable421600045, 421600044
Middle Hill residentialUnparseable131660962
  residentialNot set1191724820, 695558646, 699029184, 1191724819

Broadland 018D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %57.89 %3.46 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %11.18 %0.00 %27.47 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %28.31 %0.86 %70.83 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %31.61 %0.33 %0.00 %68.06 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %2.24 %97.76 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %30.86 %0.25 %0.00 %68.89 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Broadland Close residentialUnparseable152616629, 504418496
Carn Close residentialUnparseable153339859
Caters Close residentialUnparseable153158284, 153158285
Dawdys Court residentialUnparseable152616640, 504418497, 152616641
Hantons Loke residentialNot set153339860
Old Post Office Court residentialUnparseable152616679
Penny Rise residentialUnparseable152616685, 152616682
Pockthorpe residentialUnparseable152616687
Prospect Close residentialUnparseable153158305
Squires Road residentialUnparseable418315962
The Loke residentialNot set33082332
Wheelwrights Close residentialNot set153158309, 67291742

Last updated: 2025-02-07 06:54:19