Road maximum speed limits in North Dorset

MPH< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mph
IssuesNot setNo unitUnparseable

North Dorset 001A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %65.08 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %34.92 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %21.26 %5.93 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %72.82 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Addison Close residentialNot set73346334, 73346331
Anglers Road residentialNot set1132561838
Bakery Mews residentialNot set1124867830
Barnaby Mead residentialNot set73518550, 73518544
Bayfields residentialNot set73518551
Buckingham Road residentialNot set73518245
Chapel Mews residentialNot set543133719
Coronation Road residentialNot set73729462
Cypress Way residentialNot set73729472
Dewey's Way residentialNot set73729467
Floramour Place residentialNot set233985326
Hardings Lane residentialNot set99768742
King John Road residentialNot set73517774
Lakeside Drive residentialNot set1123189245, 1132561841, 1132981649
Lodbourne Gardens residentialNot set73899036
Lodbourne Green residentialNot set73899039, 73899038
Lodden View residentialNot set200957833, 90215281
Meadowcroft residentialNot set73346329, 73346327
New Close residentialNot set941871156
Oake Woods residentialNot set77414857, 77414858, 73518242, 73518233
Orchard Road residentialNot set73729458
Palace Road residentialNot set73517781
Paris Court residentialNot set73518246, 73518247
Prospect Close residentialNot set73346324
Queen Eleanor Road residentialNot set241719073, 73517786
Riley Court residentialNot set72003189
Spinners Way residentialNot set1132561842, 1132561837
St Marys Court residentialNot set1123997070
The Meadows residentialNot set137450394, 73346320, 77414856, 73346321, 73346318
Tomlins Corner residentialNot set1123758760
Tomlins Lane residentialNot set73729474
Tomlins Way residentialNot set73729466
Turners Lane residentialNot set73729470
Victoria Road residentialNot set73518244
White House Court residentialNot set525449882
 B3081secondaryNot set75014991
New RoadB3092secondaryNot set73346323, 138359566, 31118514, 77501665
 B3092secondaryNot set42141969
Brickfield Industrial Estate unclassifiedNot set77421638, 73315902, 77421631
Brickfields Business Park unclassifiedNot set73315907, 73315904, 73315908, 73315903, 73315905
Brickyard Lane unclassifiedNot set73315900, 77421627
Cemetery Road unclassifiedNot set73540086
High Street unclassifiedNot set73518549, 73518554
Newbury unclassifiedNot set23416826
Railway Terrace unclassifiedNot set73517794
Rose Court unclassifiedNot set73517789
School Lane unclassifiedNot set73518238
School Road unclassifiedNot set90192378
Station Road unclassifiedNot set72003188, 77559621, 77559620
  unclassifiedNot set73315906, 73315897, 138366985, 73315899, 76930454

North Dorset 001B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %8.86 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %91.14 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %64.43 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %35.57 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Abbott's Way residentialNot set73729464
Barnaby Mead residentialNot set73518550
Bayfields residentialNot set1122139459, 73518553, 73518551, 73518552
Bayridge Farm residentialNot set118189966
Black Lawn residentialNot set73899059
Bourne Way residentialNot set73899045
Broad Acres residentialNot set73899064
Brookside residentialNot set73899057, 73899058
Claremont Avenue residentialNot set73899063
Cordery Gardens residentialNot set73899051
Coronation Road residentialNot set73729462, 42514322
Crier Close residentialNot set1122139490, 1122139492
Dewey's Way residentialNot set73729467
Downsview Drive residentialNot set73899053
Fairey Close residentialNot set73899046
Fairey Crescent residentialNot set73899047, 73899041, 73899048
Fairy Bridge Walk residentialNot set73899061
Highgrove residentialNot set73899060
Hyde Road residentialNot set941874909, 73729450, 73729457, 73729475, 73729455, 73729451
Knoll Place residentialNot set73852009
Lodbourne Gardens residentialNot set73899036
Lodbourne Terrace residentialNot set73899035
Matthews Place residentialNot set90192394
Mulberry Close residentialNot set90081561
Roseberry Gardens residentialNot set73899043
Saxon Mead Close residentialNot set73851992, 73852010
Shreen Close residentialNot set73899066
Shreen Way residentialNot set73899065
Somerset Close residentialNot set73852006
Sylvan Close residentialNot set73899029, 73899031
Sylvan Way residentialNot set73899028
Tomlins Lane residentialNot set73729474
Wathen Court residentialNot set1122139489, 1122139491
Waverland Terrace residentialNot set73729453
Waverland Terrace Bungalows residentialNot set1130733046
Wessex Way residentialNot set73852003
Wiltshire Close residentialNot set73852005
Bay Road unclassifiedNot set301949798
Bowridge Hill unclassifiedNot set78627477
Lammas Close unclassifiedNot set73899034

North Dorset 001C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %12.84 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %87.16 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %69.19 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %30.81 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %74.78 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %25.22 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Briar Close residentialNot set73552124, 73552123
Bryony Gardens residentialNot set73729423, 73729426, 73729425
Buttercup Close residentialNot set73729429
Campion Close residentialNot set73552120
Clarendon Close residentialNot set73519425, 73519426
Coldharbour residentialNot set73540072
Coronation Road residentialNot set73729462
Foxglove Close residentialNot set73729441, 73729434, 73729437, 73729444
Hawthorn Avenue residentialNot set73540077, 73540075, 73540076
Hilmar Drive residentialNot set73519451
Ivy Close residentialNot set73552112, 73552111
King Edmund Court residentialNot set73540084
Lydfords Lane residentialNot set73519422
Milestone Way residentialNot set6502542
Milford Court residentialNot set73552110
Milford Court Mews residentialNot set73552109
New Close residentialNot set941871156
Orchard Mews residentialNot set73519446
Orchard Road residentialNot set73729458
Pimpernel Court residentialNot set73552118, 73552119
Plantagenet Way residentialNot set73519436, 73519435
Pound Lane residentialNot set73552108
Primrose Close residentialNot set73729446
Regency Court residentialNot set73519429
River View residentialNot set263852411, 73540073
Sorrel Way residentialNot set73552114, 73552115, 73552106, 73552113
Stuart Lane residentialNot set73519428
Tomlins Lane residentialNot set73729474
Tudor Court residentialNot set90215284
Woodsage Drive residentialNot set73552116, 73552117
Yarrow Court residentialNot set73729431
  residentialNot set961805076
 B3081secondaryNot set868242740, 512103082
Dry Lane tertiaryNot set31141740
Brewery Lane unclassifiedNot set102596360
Cemetery Road unclassifiedNot set73540086
Cherry Orchard Lane unclassifiedNot set71838161
Common Mead Lane unclassifiedNot set73518956
Milton Lane unclassifiedNot set42508507
Rolls Bridge Lane unclassifiedNot set90192377
Rolls Bridge Way unclassifiedNot set73540083, 73540081
Wavering Lane unclassifiedNot set71838160
Wavering Lane West unclassifiedNot set73540071

North Dorset 001D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %94.51 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %5.49 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %60.02 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %39.98 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Camelot Way residentialNot set73519432
Chestnut Way residentialNot set73519476, 73519474
Church View residentialNot set73518236, 73518237, 73518235, 73518234
Common Mead Avenue residentialNot set73518958
Davenant Close residentialNot set73519460, 73519439
Deane Avenue residentialNot set73519455
Duncliffe Close residentialNot set79694237
Edith Court residentialNot set73519467
Freame Way residentialNot set73519479, 73519481, 73519493, 73519498, 73519495, 73519497
Hanover Lane residentialNot set73519445, 255285046
Hilmar Drive residentialNot set73519451
Iris Gardens residentialNot set73519462
Jessop Close residentialNot set73519457
Juniper Gardens residentialNot set73519478
Laburnum Way residentialNot set73519485, 73519482
Maple Way residentialNot set73519486, 73519461
Milestone Way residentialNot set6502542
Newton Close residentialNot set73519441, 73519443
Orchard Mews residentialNot set73519446
Plantagenet Way residentialNot set73519435
Regency Court residentialNot set73519429
Stour Gardens residentialNot set73518950
Stour Meadows residentialNot set73518953, 73518952
Stuart Lane residentialNot set73519428
Sutton Close residentialNot set254742103, 90215282
Sycamore Way residentialNot set73519471
Sydney Place residentialNot set73519468
The Laurels residentialNot set73519477
The Oaks residentialNot set73518951, 254723329, 254723331
Windsor Lane residentialNot set73519418, 73519419
Le Neubourg WayB3081secondaryNot set77257690
 B3081secondaryNot set75014991
Dry Lane tertiaryNot set31141740
  tertiaryNot set215496684
Common Mead Lane unclassifiedNot set73518956, 77500416, 77500417
Culvers Lane unclassifiedNot set77811327
Dry Lane unclassifiedNot set99430239
Harry Lodge's Lane unclassifiedNot set77811325
Kine Bush Lane unclassifiedNot set41847750
Westbrook Road unclassifiedNot set90205706
  unclassifiedNot set31141815, 73518954, 90205702, 76938440

North Dorset 002A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %12.60 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %87.40 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
 A30primaryNot set77839489, 77839488, 77840164
Badgers Close residentialNot set75353159, 75353158
Breach Close residentialNot set506658941, 75353162
Broad Close residentialNot set106971177, 106971176
Church Track residentialNot set75138991, 83804464
East Street residentialNot set75353174
Millers Close residentialNot set75353139, 75353137, 75353142
Mill Lane residentialNot set75172331, 75353131
Mill Rise residentialNot set75353151, 75353146
New Close residentialNot set75353113
Old Pound Court residentialNot set75353178
Silton Road residentialNot set75353126
Woolcott Lane residentialNot set83804469
  residentialNot set691644589, 693504690, 688599491, 704882074, 688599488, 688599486, 688599489, 75353133, 693504694, 83804465, 75353155
 B3081secondaryNot set512103082
Hunger HillB3092secondaryNot set136459237
New RoadB3092secondaryNot set136459639, 1125957515, 136459236, 42141970, 136459640, 136459242
 B3092secondaryNot set42141969
Church Hill tertiaryNot set71456250
Dry Lane tertiaryNot set31141740
Fantley Lane tertiaryNot set82804553
Gigg Lane tertiaryNot set77940910, 24778393
Harpitts Lane tertiaryNot set72995210
Langham Lane tertiaryNot set90205700
Martin's Lane tertiaryNot set42512646
Moor Lane tertiaryNot set31141727
Nations Road tertiaryNot set115570688, 41847752
Shave Hill tertiaryNot set90246187
Shute's Lane tertiaryNot set77430997, 77430998, 72501784
Templecombe Lane tertiaryNot set78065403
Tinker's Lane tertiaryNot set144836770
Weston Hill tertiaryNot set132144381
Weston Street tertiaryNot set78065406
  tertiaryNot set233303670, 215496684, 233303674, 461337402, 1055816240, 82804555, 24778392, 75133372, 233303672, 73915705
Abbey Ford Bridge unclassifiedNot set77940911
Back Lane unclassifiedNot set31141902
Barton Hill unclassifiedNot set72995197
Bleet Lane unclassifiedNot set75012751, 77756250
Breach Lane unclassifiedNot set71609985
Brickyard Lane unclassifiedNot set75353171
Bridge Street unclassifiedNot set75172326
Broadmead Lane unclassifiedNot set79567694
Bushes Hill unclassifiedNot set80208564
Chaffeymoor Hill unclassifiedNot set29227319
Chapel Hill unclassifiedNot set144838501
Church Hill unclassifiedNot set72995207
Church Road unclassifiedNot set80208561, 80208563, 99907172, 80208567
Church Street unclassifiedNot set72995190
Cole Street Lane unclassifiedNot set72150883
Common Lane unclassifiedNot set144838505
Coombe Lane unclassifiedNot set31141962
Dry Lane unclassifiedNot set99430239
Dunn's Lane unclassifiedNot set80208330, 77571755, 80208329
Factory Hill unclassifiedNot set77430463, 99907124
Fantley Lane unclassifiedNot set75353106, 75353982
Field Lane unclassifiedNot set70994678
Folly Lane unclassifiedNot set31141827, 74098493
Forge Lane unclassifiedNot set198626597
Green Lane unclassifiedNot set31141864
Harry Lodge's Lane unclassifiedNot set77811325
Hartmoor Hill unclassifiedNot set31141871, 549619347
High Street unclassifiedNot set75138992
Hope Cross unclassifiedNot set90246189, 90246190
Juan's Lane unclassifiedNot set527494523
Kite's Nest Lane unclassifiedNot set75353118, 99907121
Lintern Lane unclassifiedNot set31142046
Long Lane unclassifiedNot set29227338
Moor Lane unclassifiedNot set71261865, 31141731
Nyland Lane unclassifiedNot set79567673
Olde Fairfield unclassifiedNot set75353095, 75353092
Pen Mill Hill unclassifiedNot set75172356
Pierston Fields unclassifiedNot set77571748
Pill Meadow unclassifiedNot set71609983
Shepherd's Hill unclassifiedNot set72501782
South Street unclassifiedNot set72995194
Stocking Bridge unclassifiedNot set80208562
Stock Lane unclassifiedNot set95974508
Stour Bridge unclassifiedNot set80208566
Tan Lane unclassifiedNot set75353100
The Meadows unclassifiedNot set75353097
Underhill unclassifiedNot set90493070
Vesey's Hole Hill unclassifiedNot set75043883
Waterloo Lane unclassifiedNot set80208560, 77571759, 80208565, 77818780
Wayclose Lane unclassifiedNot set90246199
West Bourton Road unclassifiedNot set71361375
Westbrook Road unclassifiedNot set90205706
West Street unclassifiedNot set72995192
Witch Lane unclassifiedNot set77756244
  unclassifiedNot set98201317, 70799781, 76353757, 42142006, 76353758, 96637983, 96637986, 31141998, 99907140, 76353755, 42142032, 75353076, 75353074, 528456144, 77818781, 75353983, 132052009, 80478315, 80478316, 301593178, 72501783, 90205702, 31141815, 104311487, 71361373, 42142031, 75045947, 31264699, 105055471, 72360608, 90205701, 72995195, 233303667, 120789271, 75137176, 198626638, 70799787, 71361374, 71361372, 75353984, 301593179

North Dorset 002B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %22.53 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %77.47 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %12.99 %19.99 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %67.03 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %12.42 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %87.58 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Arun Close residentialNot set73899052
Avondale Gardens residentialNot set73899054
Barleyfields residentialNot set73899075
Budmouth Drive residentialNot set90205739, 90205737
Casterbridge Way residentialNot set73851990
Cherryfields residentialNot set73899084, 73899083, 73899082
Claremont Avenue residentialNot set73899063
Cloverfields residentialNot set73899072, 73899074, 73899073
Cordery Gardens residentialNot set73899051
Cresscombe Close residentialNot set73851995
Dolphin Lane residentialNot set73899062
Downsview Drive residentialNot set73899053
Gyllas Way residentialNot set704919647, 73899087, 704919648
Heather Fields residentialNot set73899078, 73899077
Highgrove residentialNot set73899060
Honeyfields residentialNot set73899080, 73899081
Horsefields residentialNot set73899068, 73899071, 73899069, 73899067, 73899076, 73899070
Leddington Way residentialNot set1127887865
Little Marsh residentialNot set77571804, 77821232
Marlott Road residentialNot set73851985, 704919646, 704919645, 73851981
Melchester Close residentialNot set73851982
Melstock Road residentialNot set73851977
Milton Lane residentialNot set77428129
Peacemarsh Farm Close residentialNot set73851997, 73851999
Poppyfields residentialNot set73899086, 73899079, 90205751, 73899085
Ridgeway Road residentialNot set90205742
Stourcastle Close residentialNot set73851978
Swallowfields residentialNot set90205748
Thurstin Way residentialNot set90205746, 73899056
Weatherbury Road residentialNot set73851967, 73851988
Yalbury Wood Way residentialNot set73851972, 73851974
 B3081secondaryNot set512103082
Mapperton HillB3092secondaryNot set82805018
Spickett's BridgeB3092secondaryNot set75335811
 B3092secondaryNot set342492883
Martin's Lane tertiaryNot set42512646
  tertiaryNot set71836293
Back Lane unclassifiedNot set99093223
Bay Road unclassifiedNot set139474559, 301949798, 117987725, 117987726
Bowridge Hill unclassifiedNot set78627477
Cross Lane unclassifiedNot set90444935
Field Lane unclassifiedNot set77571769
Kendall Lane unclassifiedNot set77571798
Lawn Bridge unclassifiedNot set77430984
Longbury Hill Lane unclassifiedNot set77571775
Milton Lane unclassifiedNot set42508507
Pierston Fields unclassifiedNot set77571748
Purns Mill Lane unclassifiedNot set77571884, 78633046, 78633047
Rolls Bridge Way unclassifiedNot set73540083
Shaftesbury Road unclassifiedNot set215491516, 139474580, 117987727, 117987724
Slodbrook Lane unclassifiedNot set542271550, 77430753
Springfield unclassifiedNot set90444937, 78633910
Wavering Lane unclassifiedNot set71838160
Wavering Lane West unclassifiedNot set73540071
  unclassifiedNot set96961320, 77571820, 99907182, 83548248, 78627474, 78632696, 77430754, 77571852, 77571835, 78633915, 96961313, 96961310, 78632693

North Dorset 002D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %17.72 %21.13 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %61.14 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %2.89 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %97.11 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %5.14 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %94.86 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %25.55 %0.00 %0.00 %0.28 %0.00 %0.00 %74.16 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %8.42 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %91.58 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Fern HillA30primaryNot set307856913, 73313775
Front StreetA30primaryNot set130096731
Shaftesbury RoadA30primaryNot set85540129
Stour HillA30primaryNot set458903309, 85540130
 A30primaryNot set77839489, 308990746
Barn Close residentialNot set160417063
Church Close residentialNot set81589980, 903567906
Church Street residentialNot set72665569, 70326470, 460621039, 70941865, 102087105, 70941876, 102087098
College Arms Close residentialNot set81584100
Duncliffe View residentialNot set88297700, 73313773, 129372255
Forge End residentialNot set73313782
Hambledon Close residentialNot set81589983
Lynch Lane residentialNot set71026891
Manor Farm Gate residentialNot set72665570, 70941871
Quarry Close residentialNot set73308895
Ridge Close residentialNot set83666289
Sandilands Close residentialNot set73313772
Stour Close residentialNot set73313779
Stour Hill Park residentialNot set90257274
The Fieldings residentialNot set73313787
The Lynch residentialNot set758598925, 758598926, 758438594
Whitefield Drive residentialNot set88297702
Witch Close residentialNot set73313770
  residentialNot set704897274, 88036386
 B3091secondaryNot set187764760, 90607361, 73850661
Back StreetB3092secondaryNot set129727829
Hunger HillB3092secondaryNot set136459237
New RoadB3092secondaryNot set42141970, 1125957515
Scotchey HillB3092secondaryNot set73501432
 B3092secondaryNot set41847753
Fifehead Hill tertiaryNot set70609900
Harpitts Lane tertiaryNot set72995210
Landshire Lane tertiaryNot set30031751
Nations Road tertiaryNot set115570688
  tertiaryNot set37337586, 73915705
Angel Lane unclassifiedNot set71636701
Brown's Lane unclassifiedNot set31142076
Butts Lane unclassifiedNot set41847765
Church Close unclassifiedNot set81584097
Church Lane unclassifiedNot set81238906, 70499962, 85337257
Cole Street Lane unclassifiedNot set72150883, 100181176
Common Lane unclassifiedNot set144838505
Coombe Lane unclassifiedNot set31141962
Dover Street unclassifiedNot set215494433, 81589977, 90257247
Fishey Lane unclassifiedNot set86082490
Great Down Lane unclassifiedNot set73030984
Green Lane unclassifiedNot set89133117, 41397784
Hambledon Close unclassifiedNot set81589984
Hawker's Lane unclassifiedNot set41847768
Head Lane unclassifiedNot set31141976
Hunt's Hill unclassifiedNot set89590499, 301592634, 89590500
Lintern Lane unclassifiedNot set81201068, 31142046
Mill Lane unclassifiedNot set41884617
Mower Lane unclassifiedNot set86082510
New Lane unclassifiedNot set88286595, 88286592, 71636693
Red Lane unclassifiedNot set90257235
Scotchey Lane unclassifiedNot set41847770, 99050176
Stour Lane unclassifiedNot set73470762, 41847761
The Common unclassifiedNot set71636695, 942647073
The Street unclassifiedNot set41884647, 72034813
Witch Lane unclassifiedNot set77756244
  unclassifiedNot set37337590, 89147284, 105802737, 108520273, 89133118, 100322658, 89590209, 89133102, 89133100, 86082482, 144843931, 144843923, 89067350, 42324147, 27040233, 42141167, 144843924, 144844133, 42323509, 104443194, 42323351, 81971944, 144843926, 72064355, 301592943, 73305361, 105802738, 144843930, 144844134, 89147283, 105774941, 105802736

North Dorset 002E

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %37.76 %8.94 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %53.30 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Fern HillA30primaryNot set73313775
Sherborne CausewayA30primaryNot set90217680
Bridge Close residentialNot set73514375, 73514378, 241219117
Cale Way residentialNot set117396291
Cerne Avenue residentialNot set73516947
Chaffinch Chase residentialNot set73514412
Deer Gardens residentialNot set73514403
Fernbrook Lane residentialNot set73516944
Fern Brook Lane residentialNot set242165102, 73516952, 1309109057, 1309109058
Frog Road residentialNot set73514381
Goldfinch Gate residentialNot set73514405
Ham Lane residentialNot set73514369
Hine Close residentialNot set73514398, 241347944, 241343808, 73514393
Jay Walk residentialNot set73514401, 73514433, 241344650
Kingfisher Avenue residentialNot set73514420
Kings Chase residentialNot set90215279
Kings Court Close residentialNot set73516939
Kings Court Road residentialNot set73516938, 73516935
Lockwood Terrace residentialNot set73516929, 73516954
Otter Springs residentialNot set73514385, 73514429
Pheasant Way residentialNot set73514416
Rookery Close residentialNot set73516931
Sparrow Croft residentialNot set244103217, 73514422
Woodpecker Meadow residentialNot set73514426
Wren Place residentialNot set73514390, 73514387
  residentialNot set725117185
 B3081secondaryNot set119101943, 119101942
Cole Street Lane unclassifiedNot set100181176, 100181171
Lox Lane unclassifiedNot set31142109
  unclassifiedNot set1309109060, 1309109059, 72351080, 72351082, 1309109053, 1309109052, 1309109054, 72351097, 72351110, 72351112, 117396289

North Dorset 002F

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %19.30 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %80.70 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %10.41 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %89.59 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Fern HillA30primaryNot set73313775
Sherborne CausewayA30primaryNot set90217680
Shaftesbury RoadB3081secondaryNot set74222667
 B3081secondaryNot set119101942, 90323669
Motcombe Road tertiaryNot set215494880, 198626605, 198626604
  tertiaryNot set204182233, 31142778
Bridewell Lane unclassifiedNot set77278177, 111561569
Calves Lane unclassifiedNot set76353764
Cherry Orchard Lane unclassifiedNot set72457535
Corner Lane unclassifiedNot set77277844
Elm Close unclassifiedNot set77277843
Frog Lane unclassifiedNot set77277857
Glebe Gardens unclassifiedNot set77277854, 77277853
Grays Close unclassifiedNot set77277851
Hunters Mead unclassifiedNot set77277841, 77277842
Knapp Hill unclassifiedNot set111561574
Lawn Bridge unclassifiedNot set77430984
Prideaux Drive unclassifiedNot set77277849
Red House Close unclassifiedNot set90240808
Shorts Green Lane unclassifiedNot set90240810
Stainers Mead unclassifiedNot set77277850
Summer Oaks unclassifiedNot set77277848, 90240809
The Limes unclassifiedNot set77277847, 77277855, 77277846
Willow Way unclassifiedNot set77277852
  unclassifiedNot set204182232, 74210480, 77278176, 111561575, 118905019, 118905018, 111561572, 217142716, 77277845, 114378392, 114378389, 217142715, 77430983

North Dorset 003A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
pedestrian0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.05 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %99.95 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %70.97 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %29.03 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %27.88 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %72.12 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Gold Hill pedestrianNot set4707837
Long CrossA30primaryNot set511806971, 74098182, 511806970, 14665257
Abbey Walk residentialNot set76255767
Angel Lane residentialNot set76257048
Armoury Yard residentialNot set561906376, 90240800, 561906377
Barton Hill residentialNot set76257050
Belmont Close residentialNot set76256996
Bleke Street residentialNot set76273088
Charles Garrett Close residentialNot set76257019
Coppice Street residentialNot set76257012
Crookhays residentialNot set76277244
Granville Gardens residentialNot set76257052
Grosvenor Road residentialNot set76277237
Haimes Lane residentialNot set76257040
Kings Hill residentialNot set76256527
Lane-side residentialNot set76277241
Langfords Lane residentialNot set76255765
Lindlar Close residentialNot set76277298
Love Lane residentialNot set76255763
Lyons Walk residentialNot set76255768
Magdalene Lane residentialNot set79434624
Martin's Street residentialNot set76257023
Old Boundary Road residentialNot set76257028
Parsons Pool residentialNot set76257062
Saxon Spur residentialNot set76277220, 76277223
St Rumbold's Road residentialNot set76257035
Sweetmans Road residentialNot set76277296
The Venn residentialNot set76277231, 76277226, 76277228
Toby's Court residentialNot set76256305
Victoria Street residentialNot set76257043
Windmill Close residentialNot set76277239
  residentialNot set76257009
Bleke StreetB3081secondaryNot set511806972, 113587122, 511806973, 4708006
The BeechesB3081secondaryNot set2629182
Bleke StreetB3091secondaryNot set72404345
Tout Hill tertiaryNot set76251564
Church Lane unclassifiedNot set90240799
Great Lane unclassifiedNot set52404117
King Alfred's Way unclassifiedNot set74569259
Longmead unclassifiedNot set74568266, 511806967, 246534996, 511806969, 74569257
Nettlecombe unclassifiedNot set76274073
Ten Acres unclassifiedNot set76274074, 76274075, 76274066, 76274067
The Commons unclassifiedNot set245697010
Wincombe Lane unclassifiedNot set77272971

North Dorset 003B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %87.61 %12.39 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %1.81 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %98.19 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %2.53 %57.86 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %39.61 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Allen Road residentialNot set538997554, 196005613, 1355242881, 1355242879, 538997548
Anstee Road residentialNot set567122762, 567122766, 567122760
Beaufoy Close residentialNot set239167184, 76274072
Belmont Close residentialNot set76256996
Bramble Patch residentialNot set539049485
Brionne Way residentialNot set76478977
Bugle Crescent residentialNot set511284257
Burton Close residentialNot set76274077
Caldwell Close residentialNot set196005615, 497144546, 539049482, 539049483
Christy's Gardens residentialNot set76274100
Coles Crescent residentialNot set196005617
Coppice Street residentialNot set76257012
Fairlane residentialNot set76274101, 76274103
Gower Road residentialNot set76274086
Greenacre Way residentialNot set1355242884, 1355242889, 1355242885, 1355242883, 196005618, 196005619
Greenstone Road residentialNot set196005623, 196005622, 1139035134, 1139035133, 76478980, 196005620
Higher Blandford Road residentialNot set76274094, 90240803
Hoeller Close residentialNot set567122779
Imber Road residentialNot set76274088
Indus Road residentialNot set635033926
Jeanneau Close residentialNot set76274081, 76274071, 76274080
Kavanagh Close residentialNot set246520044
Legg Road residentialNot set511284256
Linden Park residentialNot set76274098, 76274097, 503453369, 76274099, 76274096, 76274091, 503453370, 76274090
Mampitts Road residentialNot set76274084
Maple Road residentialNot set511284261, 850469203
Marabout Road residentialNot set307855942, 511284259, 307855941
Matty Hull Close residentialNot set196005626, 203359898
Mead Way residentialNot set511284254
Melbury Way residentialNot set76274078
Old Boundary Road residentialNot set76257028
Paddock Close residentialNot set76274082
Pix Mead Gardens residentialNot set76274092, 76274093, 152416486
Pound Lane residentialNot set1355263507, 74569262, 1355263506
Reynolds Rise residentialNot set307855940
Rifles Lane residentialNot set538997556, 539049487, 539049488, 538997562
Rutter Close residentialNot set76274102
St George's Road residentialNot set76257002
St Rumbold's Road residentialNot set76257035
The Bluebells residentialNot set1139035143
Thomas Hardy Drive residentialNot set76274079
Trinity Road residentialNot set196005631
Win Green View residentialNot set76274089
  residentialNot set76257007, 196005632, 76274095
 B3081secondaryNot set144945757
Salisbury RoadB3091secondaryNot set76258982, 76258980
King Alfred's Way unclassifiedNot set74569259
Mampitts Lane unclassifiedNot set1139035139, 90240805
New Lane unclassifiedNot set80905596
Orchid View unclassifiedNot set1355242876
  unclassifiedNot set1355242877, 1355242878

North Dorset 003C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.31 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %99.69 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %82.28 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %17.72 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Ash Close residentialNot set76277287
Blackmore Road residentialNot set76277263
Border Close residentialNot set1136572402
Cranborne Drive residentialNot set76277273
Crookhays residentialNot set76277244
Fountain Mead residentialNot set76278225, 76278226
Great Ground residentialNot set76274204, 76274203, 76274206, 76274207, 76274205
Hawthorn Close residentialNot set76277269
Heathfields Way residentialNot set76277291
Hilltop Grove residentialNot set840654132, 1136572400
Homefield residentialNot set76278227, 76278220, 76278221
Kingsbere Lane residentialNot set76274070, 76274068, 76274069
Lane-side residentialNot set76277241
Lindlar Close residentialNot set76277276, 76277298, 76277280
Maple Close residentialNot set76277252, 76277254, 76277253
Meadow Close residentialNot set76277234
Oxencroft residentialNot set76277303, 76277301
Ridge Way residentialNot set76277248
Rowan Close residentialNot set76277266
Saxon Spur residentialNot set76277220
Springfield Close residentialNot set76277284
St Edwards Close residentialNot set76277282
St Lawrence Crescent residentialNot set76277258
Sweetmans Road residentialNot set196005629, 76277296
Tollgate Park residentialNot set76278222
Vale View residentialNot set1136572401, 840654131, 840654134, 840654133
Westminster Close residentialNot set76277270
Windmill Close residentialNot set76277239
  residentialNot set1355263511, 1355263510, 1355263512
LittledownA350trunkNot set840654137, 840654136, 840654138, 840654135
Wincombe Lane unclassifiedNot set77272971

North Dorset 003D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
pedestrian0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %74.33 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %25.67 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Gold Hill pedestrianNot set4707837
Long CrossA30primaryNot set74098182, 511806970, 74098181
Sherborne CausewayA30primaryNot set90217680
Angel Lane residentialNot set76257048
Breach Lane residentialNot set76254701
Butts Mead residentialNot set76255172
Castle Hill Close residentialNot set76256304
Coppice Street residentialNot set76257012
Gold Hill residentialNot set113688557
Hawkesdene residentialNot set76254705
Hawkesdene Lane residentialNot set76254704
Horseponds residentialNot set76256303
Kings Hill residentialNot set76256527
Kingsman Lane residentialNot set76255772
Laundry Lane residentialNot set79434626
Layton Lane residentialNot set76254703
Love Lane residentialNot set76255763
Lower Blandford Road residentialNot set76255171
Nettlebed Nursery residentialNot set76257471
New Road residentialNot set469434562, 76257475
Old Boundary Road residentialNot set76257028
Raspberry Lane residentialNot set76254722
Ratcliff's Garden residentialNot set76255777, 76255779
Sally King's Lane residentialNot set76251576
Shooters Lane residentialNot set78449006
St. James's Street residentialNot set76251546
Tanyard Lane residentialNot set76255760, 76254702
The Bartons residentialNot set1307777071
The Butts residentialNot set76256302
Umbers Hill residentialNot set76254724
Well Lane residentialNot set76251572
White Hart Lane residentialNot set76255774
Woolands Lane residentialNot set76257480
Yeatmans Close residentialNot set76251517
Yeatmans Lane residentialNot set76251574
  residentialNot set76254725, 692200940, 692200941, 692200942, 177040005, 76257009
Shaftesbury RoadB3081secondaryNot set74222667
Salisbury RoadB3091secondaryNot set76258980
 B3091secondaryNot set167684543
Church Hill tertiaryNot set73691863
Motcombe Road tertiaryNot set198626605
The Knapp tertiaryNot set76251559
Tout Hill tertiaryNot set76251564
Breach Lane unclassifiedNot set76254719
Calves Lane unclassifiedNot set76353764
Foyle Hill unclassifiedNot set80770002
French Mill Lane unclassifiedNot set76279561, 102369647
French Mill Rise unclassifiedNot set76279754
Gascoigne's Lane unclassifiedNot set76279571
Great Lane unclassifiedNot set52404117
  unclassifiedNot set76254723, 76255173

North Dorset 004A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %1.54 %0.10 %0.00 %14.70 %0.00 %0.00 %83.67 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %15.63 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %84.37 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.23 %0.00 %0.00 %99.77 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %6.55 %1.24 %0.00 %0.82 %0.00 %0.00 %91.39 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
 A3030primaryNot set85897005
Cook's LaneA357primaryNot set85333917
Twofords BridgeA357primaryNot set42142578
Warr BridgeA357primaryNot set42142596
 A357primaryNot set85789259, 85789258, 85789261, 85789260, 42142579, 373771512, 32010946, 85789262, 42142601
Barrow Hill residentialNot set85907636
Blackmore Road residentialNot set43480707
Boyle Close residentialNot set43480968
Brimble Cottages residentialNot set85907619
Drove Close residentialNot set85907613, 85907617
Duncliffe Close residentialNot set79660849
Hardy Crescent residentialNot set79661215
Meadow Close residentialNot set43480806
New Road residentialNot set90271614
Raleigh Road residentialNot set79660847
Robinson Heights residentialNot set43480907
Vale Road residentialNot set43480594
Waterloo Lane residentialNot set196787700, 85907621
Wessex Road residentialNot set79660841
Woodmill Close residentialNot set79661207, 79661220, 79661218, 79661206
Blackrow LaneB3143secondaryNot set112078072, 4605392
 B3143secondaryNot set93133608, 85294802
King's Mill Lane tertiaryNot set85337234
Landshire Bridge tertiaryNot set86013355
Landshire Lane tertiaryNot set86013288, 86013349, 523693777, 523693778
  tertiaryNot set41397796
Bagber Bridge unclassifiedNot set42141237
Brimble Cottages unclassifiedNot set85907614
Cale Close unclassifiedNot set79660843
Cat Lane unclassifiedNot set1054178324
Caundle Lane unclassifiedNot set85907648, 144918201, 90271659
Drew's Lane unclassifiedNot set43479424
Drove Road unclassifiedNot set85907616
Eastop Lane unclassifiedNot set42943608
Hargrove Lane unclassifiedNot set85333916
Haydon Lane unclassifiedNot set85226476
Holebrook Lane unclassifiedNot set42142957
Holt Hill unclassifiedNot set42413996
Holt Lane unclassifiedNot set42413746
Landshire Lane unclassifiedNot set42141203
Lower Road unclassifiedNot set79660860, 79660861
Old Orchard Close unclassifiedNot set85294786
Peaceful Lane unclassifiedNot set41539068
Pile Lane unclassifiedNot set41559390
Platts unclassifiedNot set85294765, 85294763
Ramsbury unclassifiedNot set85294813
Ridge Lane unclassifiedNot set803925749, 803925475
Ridge View unclassifiedNot set85294768
Rowden Mill Lane unclassifiedNot set85907615
Rue Lane unclassifiedNot set79132213, 144918204, 144918203
Salkeld Bridge unclassifiedNot set85788588
Shipney Lane unclassifiedNot set167911095
Stalbridge Road unclassifiedNot set42713798
Station Road unclassifiedNot set442344773
Stokes Lane unclassifiedNot set41208795
Waterloo Lane unclassifiedNot set85907620
West Mill Lane unclassifiedNot set78090486
White Hart Close unclassifiedNot set85294810
Wood Lane unclassifiedNot set41397809
Woodmill Close unclassifiedNot set79661219
  unclassifiedNot set1061000336, 41559349, 85909033, 41559375, 90271657, 27203794, 144918206, 85907609, 85907611, 144918205, 86017627, 86017628, 41241445, 85294811, 1061000337, 85294796, 85788590, 42142971, 42142968, 41549261, 41241455, 79660868, 42768870

North Dorset 004B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %65.09 %0.00 %0.00 %34.91 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %1.63 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %98.37 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %37.85 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %62.15 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Badgers Grove residentialNot set1345159026
Bagber Road residentialNot set1189147611, 1189147612
Bakers Field residentialNot set79660867
Barnes Close residentialNot set1189147609
Blackmore Road residentialNot set43480707
Coppern Way residentialNot set79660845
Duck Lane residentialNot set78090483
Glovers Road residentialNot set1148802755
Gold Street residentialNot set41427256
Grosvenor Road residentialNot set79661188
Grove Lane residentialNot set41427247
Grove Lane Close residentialNot set41427250
Hardy Crescent residentialNot set79661215
Jarvis Close residentialNot set90271625
Larks Meadow residentialNot set79660850
Park Grove residentialNot set41427253
Park Road residentialNot set41427257
Pond Walk residentialNot set41427246, 527603476, 527603474, 79660865, 527603478, 527603488
Pound Close residentialNot set79661190
Railway Crescent residentialNot set1189147610
Robinson Heights residentialNot set43480907
Robin Way residentialNot set1189603010
Silk House Barton residentialNot set41427255
Springfields residentialNot set79660863
Stalbridge Close residentialNot set79661209
Starling Close residentialNot set1148802757
The Hawthorns residentialNot set79660852
Thrift Close residentialNot set79660855, 79660854
Vale Road residentialNot set43480594
Waterlake residentialNot set79661204, 79661202
  residentialNot set996461575, 79660866, 41427245, 996461574
Bibberne Row unclassifiedNot set90271622
Caundle Lane unclassifiedNot set90271659
Drew's Lane unclassifiedNot set43479424
Eastop Lane unclassifiedNot set42943608
Grosvenor Road unclassifiedNot set79661186
Lower Road unclassifiedNot set79660861
The Hawthorns unclassifiedNot set79660853
Wood Lane unclassifiedNot set41397809
  unclassifiedNot set41559349, 85909033, 43495652, 90271620, 27203794, 167908867

North Dorset 004C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %31.81 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %68.19 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %28.72 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %71.28 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %6.81 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %93.19 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Ashley Road residentialNot set79580842
Barnes Close residentialNot set79580835
Burton Hayes residentialNot set90257212, 90257214
Butts Close residentialNot set79580844, 79580855
Carent Close residentialNot set79580834
Corner Close residentialNot set79580837, 79580838
Dinhay residentialNot set79581115
Fellowsmead residentialNot set79580840
Fillymead residentialNot set79580839
Flanders Close residentialNot set79580843
Ham Lane residentialNot set79581121
Ham Meadows residentialNot set79581123, 79581113, 79581114
Hardy Close residentialNot set79580836
Hussey's residentialNot set79580846
Kentisworth Road residentialNot set79580847
Moorhayes residentialNot set162286700
Mounters Close residentialNot set79580848
Phillips Road residentialNot set79580841
Plowman Close residentialNot set83270799
Sackmore Green residentialNot set79581117
Stoneylawn residentialNot set41538947
Woodlands Mead residentialNot set79581116
Schoolhouse LaneB3092secondaryNot set79580849
Walton Elm HillB3092secondaryNot set79580850
 B3092secondaryNot set41847753, 79580852
Cox Hill tertiaryNot set186995789
King's Mill Lane tertiaryNot set42141115, 85337234, 202898229, 202898230, 42141116
  tertiaryNot set85334711
Ashley Farm Lane unclassifiedNot set102888119
Bat Alley unclassifiedNot set42943902
Bodsmarsh Lane unclassifiedNot set90257223
Burges Close unclassifiedNot set79581119, 79581127
Carraway Lane unclassifiedNot set79580853
Chippel Lane unclassifiedNot set79580856
Common Lane unclassifiedNot set530755624, 41397795
Eastwell Lane unclassifiedNot set41538945
Great Down Lane unclassifiedNot set73030984
Hains Lane unclassifiedNot set41397750, 196903423, 544535773, 196903426
Hingaston Approach unclassifiedNot set396443621, 396443622
Hinton Lane unclassifiedNot set204179901
Love Lane unclassifiedNot set196903421, 41397747
Lovells Mead unclassifiedNot set79581122
Mill Lane unclassifiedNot set42141163
Mounters unclassifiedNot set90257207
Mowes Lane unclassifiedNot set41397783
Musbury Close unclassifiedNot set79581126
Musbury Lane unclassifiedNot set233303661
Nash Lane unclassifiedNot set102862795
Old Mill Lane unclassifiedNot set196903424, 73029237
Pilwell unclassifiedNot set41542330
Ram's Hill unclassifiedNot set37337418
Red Lane unclassifiedNot set90257235
Sackmore Lane unclassifiedNot set41559733
Sodom Lane unclassifiedNot set41538948, 222956697
Stoneylawn unclassifiedNot set77431240
Tanzey Lane unclassifiedNot set79580860
White Way Lane unclassifiedNot set110024004, 42143619
  unclassifiedNot set196902076, 79581124, 105781226, 41559749, 89590209, 89590208, 77431241, 41538960, 534131517, 41538957, 474233722, 474233723, 42143615, 42141167, 420818630, 85337248, 210041486, 41538946, 124123799, 41538956, 90257236

North Dorset 004D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %13.20 %22.28 %13.92 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %50.59 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %38.54 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %61.46 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %40.32 %0.00 %24.30 %3.19 %0.00 %0.00 %32.20 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %5.37 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %94.63 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
 A357primaryNot set79665896, 373775421
Barton Close residentialNot set79596960
Buffets Close residentialNot set79569577
Chivrick Close residentialNot set79438723
Dashwood Close residentialNot set79438717
Elm Close residentialNot set79438678
Emsbury Road residentialNot set79438714
Field Close residentialNot set79438710, 79438725
Gotts Corner residentialNot set330827125
Hosey Road residentialNot set79438737, 90607366
Long Close residentialNot set38786870
Newton Close residentialNot set500793735
North Fields residentialNot set501212636
Quarry Close residentialNot set140313711
Selwood Close residentialNot set79438716, 79438706, 79438704
Thomas Hardy Close residentialNot set79438734
  residentialNot set79438733, 1269122499, 1269122498, 1269122504, 1269122501, 1269122500, 79438711
Hosey BridgeB3091secondaryNot set85695012
Rixon HillB3091secondaryNot set90607365
 B3092secondaryNot set79580852
Bagber Bridge unclassifiedNot set42141237
Brickyard Lane unclassifiedNot set79661194
Buffetts Road unclassifiedNot set90607370
Calf Close Lane unclassifiedNot set1210584024, 103451463, 39342336, 39342352
Castlemans Lane unclassifiedNot set79578302
Chapel Road unclassifiedNot set42141234
Church Lane unclassifiedNot set79577426, 79577427, 90607362
Church Street unclassifiedNot set79577431, 496910634
Common Lane unclassifiedNot set41538965
Copse Hill unclassifiedNot set79596962
Cutt Mill Lane unclassifiedNot set196902079, 196902080, 79578306
Denhall Close unclassifiedNot set79569579
Donkey Lane unclassifiedNot set79596973
Glue Hill unclassifiedNot set220288777
Hewlett's Drove unclassifiedNot set82391716
Hillcrest Close unclassifiedNot set79596961
Hinton Lane unclassifiedNot set79578297, 204179901, 204179902
Hole House Lane unclassifiedNot set82311708
Lane Fox Terrace unclassifiedNot set79577425
Love Lane unclassifiedNot set500270397
Market Place unclassifiedNot set328590201
Marriage Lane unclassifiedNot set79578309
New Road unclassifiedNot set79596979
Old School Lane unclassifiedNot set79578300
Orchard Close unclassifiedNot set79596957
Orchard Gardens unclassifiedNot set90607371
Penny Street unclassifiedNot set90607360, 1210583494
Pentridge Lane unclassifiedNot set79660859
Puxey Lane unclassifiedNot set803903090, 79596953
Red Lion Close unclassifiedNot set79596956
Ridgeway Lane unclassifiedNot set79578299
Rolls Mill Way unclassifiedNot set79596949
Stalbridge Lane unclassifiedNot set43718568, 1206279520
Stearts Lane unclassifiedNot set79578296, 110024003
Upland Close unclassifiedNot set79596976
Veals Lane unclassifiedNot set110022845
White Horse Lane unclassifiedNot set79578301
Wood Lane unclassifiedNot set79578310
  unclassifiedNot set500270396, 79596948, 396443589, 79596950, 79596985, 79596970, 497681697, 41538961, 497681696, 79596947, 501054665, 42768870, 43481935, 43482512, 43482383, 106580854, 43718377

North Dorset 004E

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
pedestrian0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
primary0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %49.44 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %50.56 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %27.18 %0.00 %0.00 %5.04 %0.00 %0.00 %67.78 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %9.34 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %90.66 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Station Road pedestrianNot set41208645
Buffets Close residentialNot set79569577
Coles Close residentialNot set79438683, 79438702
Dashwood Close residentialNot set79438721, 79438717
Field Close residentialNot set79641383, 79438710, 79438725, 79641384
Filbridge Rise residentialNot set323658283, 113628862
Friars Moor residentialNot set79438689, 79438691
Hanover Close residentialNot set79569576
Pitts Orchard residentialNot set79569585, 79569586
Rivers Mead residentialNot set79641381
Rixon Close residentialNot set79438687, 79438685
Stourcastle residentialNot set186995792, 186995793
Thomas Hardy Close residentialNot set79438734
  residentialNot set326112540, 79438699, 79438701, 79438733
DroversB3091secondaryNot set91818492
Hosey BridgeB3091secondaryNot set85695012
Manston RoadB3091secondaryNot set42143242
Old Market HillB3091secondaryNot set37337397
Rixon HillB3091secondaryNot set90607365
Station RoadB3091secondaryNot set77278482
 B3091secondaryNot set90607361
Brinsley Close unclassifiedNot set79594626, 79577434
Church Lane unclassifiedNot set500270394, 79577426, 86082458
Church Street unclassifiedNot set79577431
Denhall Close unclassifiedNot set79569579
Drovers unclassifiedNot set79569596, 79569581
Durrant unclassifiedNot set79577418
East Farm Lane unclassifiedNot set107906823
Goughs Close unclassifiedNot set79577428
Ingrams unclassifiedNot set79577436
Market Place unclassifiedNot set328590201, 79577430
Orchard Gardens unclassifiedNot set90607371
Ram's Hill unclassifiedNot set37337418
Ricketts Lane unclassifiedNot set79577429
Station Road unclassifiedNot set27049787
The Gavel unclassifiedNot set79569584
White Lane Close unclassifiedNot set79569588, 79569574, 79569571
  unclassifiedNot set79577420, 41538972, 79577423, 79438674, 79438675, 89147268, 1210826372, 88716151, 1210826373, 89147266, 88716166, 108265332, 108265333

North Dorset 005A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
pedestrian0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
primary0.00 %0.00 %17.28 %13.56 %0.00 %7.77 %0.00 %0.00 %61.39 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %20.61 %0.00 %0.00 %79.39 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
St Nicholas Gardens pedestrianNot set813007707
 A357primaryNot set373778732
Bottom Road residentialNot set81579272
Church View residentialNot set90675865
Coach Road residentialNot set61846572
Havelins residentialNot set61846558
Haycombe residentialNot set81581080, 81581079
Hod View residentialNot set81579293, 81579288
Manor Road residentialNot set61846554, 206113910, 219157308, 224790745
Mill Lane residentialNot set90675866
Orchard Close residentialNot set81579270, 81579267, 81579271, 219157306
Park Close residentialNot set81579294
Roman Way residentialNot set81598133
Shaston Road residentialNot set81579277
South Holme residentialNot set61846556
St Nicholas Gardens residentialNot set81581081
The Glebe residentialNot set81581089, 496328002
Water Lane residentialNot set81581084
Wynchard Bank residentialNot set482570520
  residentialNot set513956399, 62226360, 219157309, 486871332, 419554697
Augustan Avenue unclassifiedNot set81598154, 81598129
Brodham Way unclassifiedNot set81598190
Bushes Road unclassifiedNot set144840100, 219157301, 219157300, 219157310
Church Road unclassifiedNot set23242178
Coombe Road unclassifiedNot set81598146
Everetts Lane unclassifiedNot set81598122, 81598181
Gunn Lane unclassifiedNot set81598179
Hine Town Lane unclassifiedNot set81598142
Hodway Lane unclassifiedNot set1305451053, 86058541, 37175493
Holloway Lane unclassifiedNot set37177693, 37177694
Honeysuckle Gardens unclassifiedNot set81598124
Lanchards unclassifiedNot set145026524
Lanchards Lane unclassifiedNot set81598172
Milton Lane unclassifiedNot set222766300, 23242177
New Road unclassifiedNot set61816717
Pepper Hill unclassifiedNot set670948175, 81598159
Puxey Lane unclassifiedNot set81598174
Schelin Way unclassifiedNot set81598152, 81598150, 81598148
Spencer Gardens unclassifiedNot set81598138, 81598136
Stour Close unclassifiedNot set81598126
Townsend unclassifiedNot set90691515
Wessex Avenue unclassifiedNot set81598164, 81598167
White Pit unclassifiedNot set81598157
  unclassifiedNot set132373937, 670948177, 132373933, 43709742, 43710109, 790392107, 299988280, 23242182, 81598162, 71359500, 81598177

North Dorset 005B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %0.54 %0.00 %0.00 %33.38 %0.00 %0.00 %66.08 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %19.02 %0.00 %0.00 %80.98 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %5.18 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %94.82 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Home Farm residentialNot set419554712, 419554711
Oakwood Drive residentialNot set81574575, 81574579, 81574576
The Paddocks residentialNot set81574589
  residentialNot set419554714, 419554704, 419554713
Shaftesbury Road tertiaryNot set1054171868
  tertiaryNot set86082471, 88686310, 58499515, 132045945, 25583228, 299988278, 132045956
Bessells Lane unclassifiedNot set81249478
Church Hill unclassifiedNot set81574600
Church Road unclassifiedNot set81574603
Courtney Close unclassifiedNot set81249472
Dunn's Lane unclassifiedNot set81574613
Fairfield Road unclassifiedNot set131550997, 131551006, 144844637
Frog Lane unclassifiedNot set89153306, 89153307, 131551001
Glebe Court unclassifiedNot set81574585
Hobgoblin unclassifiedNot set81574633
Main Street unclassifiedNot set25583226, 144844638
Miles Field unclassifiedNot set90693362
New Field Lane unclassifiedNot set81249477
Old School Lane unclassifiedNot set81574617
Post Office Road unclassifiedNot set81574596
Rectory Gardens unclassifiedNot set81249476
Shoot Lane unclassifiedNot set81574637
Telegraph Street unclassifiedNot set81249479
The Chalk unclassifiedNot set81574629
The Corner unclassifiedNot set90684157
The Cross unclassifiedNot set131551002, 144844704
The Glebe unclassifiedNot set89153274, 89153275, 81249475, 81574586
The Laurels unclassifiedNot set81249473
Tower Hill unclassifiedNot set25583224
Watery Lane unclassifiedNot set81574609
  unclassifiedNot set81249474, 128937537, 238964666, 222766296, 109841685, 88598994, 42323521, 144843925, 88686301, 37455507, 144843927, 144843929, 88599009, 42324152, 81574626, 81249480

North Dorset 005C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %46.67 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %53.33 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %41.15 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %58.85 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %11.21 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %88.79 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
 A357primaryNot set699513594, 699513593, 699513591, 508454703, 373778726, 508454708
Allen Close residentialNot set81250941
Aplands Close residentialNot set81250916
Apple Acre residentialNot set936830247
Bower residentialNot set81250919
Chalwell residentialNot set81250951
Cooper Gardens residentialNot set81250925
Greenway residentialNot set81250950
Homefield residentialNot set81250944, 81250945, 936830240, 81250943
Jacobs Ladder residentialNot set81250936
Knotts Close residentialNot set81250948, 81250947
Melway Gardens residentialNot set90688864
Millbrook Close residentialNot set81250930, 81250921, 90688853
Millbrook Court residentialNot set81250929
Netmead Lane residentialNot set81250923
Nutmead Close residentialNot set81250928
Olivers Mead residentialNot set81250922
Portman Drive residentialNot set81250932, 499973041, 81250935, 81250934, 81250931, 81250940, 81250926
Rectory Lane residentialNot set81250946
Ridgeway Lane residentialNot set81250924
Seymer Close residentialNot set86058530
Station Road residentialNot set86058529
St Nicholas Court residentialNot set81250937
  residentialNot set185667204, 81250939
Bere Marsh tertiaryNot set536487420, 536487419, 699513592, 88447727, 699513589, 699513588, 334591890, 37177700, 37177702, 247064048, 699513590
Duck Street tertiaryNot set37337534
Hayward Bridge tertiaryNot set42143301
Hayward Lane tertiaryNot set81250323, 334591893, 334591892
  tertiaryNot set86082471
Bere Marsh tertiary_linkNot set204020939, 204020949, 699513587
Candy's Lane unclassifiedNot set81598120
Church Road unclassifiedNot set81598117
Common Drove unclassifiedNot set81250324
Everetts Lane unclassifiedNot set81598122
Gold Hill unclassifiedNot set81250917
Greenway unclassifiedNot set81250949
Gunn Lane unclassifiedNot set81598179
Hine Town Lane unclassifiedNot set81598142
Lanchards unclassifiedNot set145026524
Lanchards Lane unclassifiedNot set81598172
Lower Common Road unclassifiedNot set81250918
Melway Lane unclassifiedNot set90688861
Poplar Hill unclassifiedNot set25583230
Puxey Lane unclassifiedNot set81598174
The Butts unclassifiedNot set81250952
The Hollow unclassifiedNot set37337305
  unclassifiedNot set81250920, 86058542, 206183331, 88716151, 86082469, 1210826372, 144843925

North Dorset 005D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %13.32 %17.29 %0.00 %12.86 %0.00 %0.00 %56.54 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %23.38 %4.24 %0.00 %0.00 %72.39 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %34.00 %19.20 %0.00 %46.33 %0.00 %0.00 %0.47 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %4.59 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %95.41 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Ash Tree Lane residentialNot set80905823, 933956603
Glynn Place residentialNot set80905826
Glyn Place residentialNot set80905825, 80905824
Higher Barn Close residentialNot set80905827
Higher Blandford Road residentialNot set90240803
Little Frys residentialNot set438317941, 72457537
Lower Blandford Road residentialNot set76255171
St Andrews View residentialNot set85541165, 85541166, 85541167
  residentialNot set538096465, 419555846
 B3091secondaryNot set88721436, 42323354, 73850661, 42323504, 88721434, 73850660, 167684543
Cann HillA350trunkNot set88807493
 A350trunkNot set88807500
Buddens Lane unclassifiedNot set81009588
Cherry Orchard Lane unclassifiedNot set72457535
Church Close unclassifiedNot set81023748
Church Lane unclassifiedNot set81249071
Cole's Lane unclassifiedNot set72457538
Collyer's Rise unclassifiedNot set81023725
Denham Drive unclassifiedNot set81238907, 81238909
Dover Street unclassifiedNot set215494433
Drones Lane unclassifiedNot set81238902, 168072418
Elbury View unclassifiedNot set81023731
Foot's Hill unclassifiedNot set80905591
Foyle Hill unclassifiedNot set80770002
French Hill Lane unclassifiedNot set102614494
French Mill Lane unclassifiedNot set102369653, 102369647, 102369644
Gascoigne's Lane unclassifiedNot set76279571
Gears Mill unclassifiedNot set83239574
Green Lane unclassifiedNot set41397784
Hawkcombe Lane unclassifiedNot set167684547, 42944941
Long Lane unclassifiedNot set80905595
Mill Hollow Lane unclassifiedNot set80915143
Mill Lane unclassifiedNot set194823851, 90700024
Mill Street unclassifiedNot set220289714
Napiers Way unclassifiedNot set81249072
New Lane unclassifiedNot set80905596
Orchard Close unclassifiedNot set81023738
Parsonage Street unclassifiedNot set81023730
Pitts Lane unclassifiedNot set77960185
Quarry Lane unclassifiedNot set90700021
Redmans Lane unclassifiedNot set80915142
School Lane unclassifiedNot set77960182
St Annes Close unclassifiedNot set81238908, 81238914, 100336864
The Mead unclassifiedNot set90696278
The Street unclassifiedNot set144839290
West Lane unclassifiedNot set102369652, 77960183, 80915147
West Street unclassifiedNot set88596958, 220289715
West View unclassifiedNot set81023735
White Pit Lane unclassifiedNot set80905868
  unclassifiedNot set88596952, 42324152, 88596951, 81238912, 81007620, 105774953, 105774954, 42324004, 81238905, 81007575, 81023745, 89067347, 218802465, 81238910, 218802464, 89067350, 42323351, 144843924, 81238911, 144843928, 79641375, 108520270, 108520273, 79641376, 88599009, 144843927, 76254726, 88761953, 76254723, 89133100, 520116153, 77960184, 32021399, 81238903, 81238904, 149454274, 42944968, 72289541, 22992243, 85540816, 144839289, 144839288, 88596945

North Dorset 006A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
pedestrian0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %62.79 %0.00 %19.06 %0.00 %0.00 %18.15 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %28.63 %0.00 %0.00 %71.37 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %8.81 %3.63 %13.44 %74.12 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %6.49 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %93.51 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
  pedestrianNot set436295799, 436465833
Arlecks Lane residentialNot set85447095
Berkeley Close residentialNot set85447122
Berkeley Rise residentialNot set85447158
Berkeley Road residentialNot set85447154
Boyte Road residentialNot set85447083
Chapel Lane residentialNot set85447145, 804333996
Cherry Tree Court residentialNot set511545753
Church Road residentialNot set510286057
Collingwood Close residentialNot set85447449, 85447450
Fiveways Cottages residentialNot set511362228
Frampton Road residentialNot set85447082
Green Lane residentialNot set128942662, 37455488
Hyde Gardens residentialNot set85447131, 85447128
Kites Corner residentialNot set145154838
Letton Close residentialNot set85350200, 85350291, 85350297
Letton Park residentialNot set85350216, 85350227
Manor Farm Close residentialNot set85447090
Marsh Way residentialNot set85447084
Mudros Road residentialNot set32084289
Northfield residentialNot set85450552, 85450554
Old Bakery Close residentialNot set513725665, 511362238
Parr Grove residentialNot set85447101, 85447134, 513996687
Portman Road residentialNot set513387880, 514042653, 85447109, 500733446
Priory Gardens residentialNot set85447152, 513996685
School Lane residentialNot set85447103
South Farm Close residentialNot set85450548, 85450626
St Peter's Close residentialNot set85447087
The Close residentialNot set85447114, 85447086
Walters Drive residentialNot set85447085
Willow Park residentialNot set200154342, 200154339, 200154296, 90941090, 200154295, 200154340
Yarde Farm residentialNot set85447452, 511545960, 85447451, 511545959
  residentialNot set196718024, 261403818, 56323111, 196718021, 196718020
 B3081secondaryNot set519442613
Common Drove tertiaryNot set218368639
Miller's Lane tertiaryNot set22992242
  tertiaryNot set196723071, 196723070, 23273060, 102369649, 85581451
Anvil Road unclassifiedNot set145174789
Bushes Road unclassifiedNot set219157310, 219157307, 219157301, 85447454
Chettle City Way unclassifiedNot set1036081803
China Lane unclassifiedNot set85450545
Church Road unclassifiedNot set85447126
Clap Lane unclassifiedNot set207094733
Down Road unclassifiedNot set85447093
Dunspit Lane unclassifiedNot set86789555
Green Lane unclassifiedNot set82376685, 921513847
Gunville Road unclassifiedNot set86648494
High Street unclassifiedNot set220289979
Newfield Road unclassifiedNot set85447453
North Road unclassifiedNot set25583223
Oakley Lane unclassifiedNot set145419493
Orchard Chase unclassifiedNot set85450544
School Close unclassifiedNot set85450540
School Lane unclassifiedNot set96051584
Stable Court unclassifiedNot set1018816309
Sunrise Business Park unclassifiedNot set144840167, 144840166
Swainson Road unclassifiedNot set32113363, 199492600
Tin Pot Lane unclassifiedNot set198626628
Woodley Lane unclassifiedNot set82376727
  unclassifiedNot set86789561, 196723076, 86789563, 158649002, 23273474, 169451267, 170765317, 57727714, 158604733, 1311105849, 1311105848, 145016386, 196766888, 85450621, 85450623, 871755110, 196723068, 85540816, 96892499, 82376729, 37415508, 520116153, 85581704, 56323149, 867886937, 23273468, 906959518, 509678892, 70416965, 196766887, 299988280, 128937537, 128937536, 299988281, 218656806, 218366615, 196723073, 904215612

North Dorset 006B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %10.26 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %89.74 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %18.51 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %81.49 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %24.37 %0.00 %75.63 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified1.27 %0.00 %4.23 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %94.50 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Badger Sett residentialNot set82313853, 82313864, 82313866
Beckett Close residentialNot set82313847, 82313848, 1339097882
Birch Avenue residentialNot set75793779, 75793781, 511568887
Brewery Court residentialNot set1192253916
Chettell Way residentialNot set82313856, 877368542
Church Lane residentialNot set23212484, 82314448
Dorchester Hill residentialNot set82313870, 82313871
Esme Avenue residentialNot set678415593, 678391933, 678415594, 678391934, 678415592
Folly Lane residentialNot set82313873
Fortuna Road residentialNot set1087236823
Hector's Way residentialNot set82313861, 82313860
Horseshoe Close residentialNot set678391936, 678391935
Knights Close residentialNot set82313863
Legion Way residentialNot set1087236833
Lower School Lane residentialNot set90938979
Minerva Way residentialNot set1087236825
Mosaic Mews residentialNot set1087236824
Parish Edge residentialNot set678391937
Pigeon Close residentialNot set510273485, 511535076, 82313859
Pitt Close residentialNot set82313850
River Walk residentialNot set1334650130
Rosefields residentialNot set75654855, 75654854
Southover Close residentialNot set75654852, 75654857, 75654853
Turnpike Lane residentialNot set91755552
Upper School Lane residentialNot set82313854
Vale Park residentialNot set82313849
Woodhouse Mews residentialNot set1334650126, 1334650127
  residentialNot set1334650124, 1327187556, 1334650125, 23242183, 222766302, 916852157, 82314449
Bournemouth Road tertiaryNot set1210977331, 511568886
Fair Mile Road tertiaryNot set670929185, 670929187, 4608325
Littleton Drove unclassifiedNot set86746929
New Road unclassifiedNot set222766304, 61816717, 4757419
  unclassifiedNot set82315028, 222766303

North Dorset 006C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
living_street0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %57.15 %10.20 %0.00 %32.65 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.78 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %99.22 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Tannery Court living_streetNot set689708381
Charlton Mead residentialNot set488180308
Charlton on the Hill residentialNot set505123870
Green Close residentialNot set23212464, 312819316
May Grove residentialNot set23212467
Meadow Road residentialNot set28343406
Newtown residentialNot set689708385
Red Barn Farm residentialNot set86975595
Stour Close residentialNot set1133005451
Tannery Court residentialNot set1129998876
  residentialNot set1133005452, 397863401
Louse LaneB3075secondaryNot set86972557
 B3075secondaryNot set149192320
Crawford Bridge tertiaryNot set96134409
  tertiaryNot set220182096, 96134408, 220182097
Abbey View unclassifiedNot set86972553
Beech Close unclassifiedNot set86972561, 86972559
Cereleton Park unclassifiedNot set86975576, 86975579, 86975581
Charlton Beeches unclassifiedNot set86975574
Charlton Manor unclassifiedNot set23449691
Charlton Mead unclassifiedNot set23488989
Church Lane unclassifiedNot set1066595934, 86975586, 805595901
Crawford Park unclassifiedNot set86972576
Gravel Lane unclassifiedNot set86975606, 923471809
Greenfield Road unclassifiedNot set888033628, 86975560, 86975559
Hopegood Close unclassifiedNot set86975552
Palmers Lane unclassifiedNot set86975565
Park Hill unclassifiedNot set1066595937, 86975591, 1066595938
Priory Gardens unclassifiedNot set86972551, 86972564
River Lane unclassifiedNot set86975567
Slopers Mead unclassifiedNot set86972563
The Close unclassifiedNot set805604203, 23212463
  unclassifiedNot set86975556, 86975562, 144916660, 86975554, 144916661, 129894696, 86957560, 144917510, 144916961, 1066595932, 1066595930, 23373167, 86975569, 23212455, 86975571

North Dorset 006E

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.52 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %99.48 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.93 %0.00 %99.07 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Ashley Wood Road residentialNot set32084485
College Road residentialNot set32150238, 845004775
Crawford Down Road residentialNot set86654715, 86654712, 86654709
Diamond Way residentialNot set307852822, 307852821
Downside Close residentialNot set1222960582
Gunville Down Road residentialNot set32084409
Keynston Down Road residentialNot set32150203
Luton Down Road residentialNot set86654718
Monkton Down Road residentialNot set86654694
Mudros Road residentialNot set32084289
Nelson Road residentialNot set32084872
Rawston Down Road residentialNot set86654696
Snow Down Road residentialNot set86666032
South Crescent residentialNot set32150240
Westbury Way residentialNot set155079262, 81784695, 81784692, 514073432, 167685520, 37171211
  residentialNot set1278994377
  tertiaryNot set4612614, 112607308, 198626640, 32111171
  tertiary_linkNot set505644037
Black Lane unclassifiedNot set32084825, 199492599, 198626574, 32103232, 198626578, 32084830
Central Park unclassifiedNot set90940209
Centurion Road unclassifiedNot set86654704
Down Wood Road unclassifiedNot set86654698
King Down Road unclassifiedNot set86654757
Nelson Road unclassifiedNot set32084595
North Grove unclassifiedNot set86648493, 86648491
Racedown Road unclassifiedNot set86654734
Valley Road unclassifiedNot set86654741
Weiner Close unclassifiedNot set86648510
  unclassifiedNot set86648502, 86648500, 402540180, 86654701, 86648514, 402540178, 402540175, 86654763, 86648504

North Dorset 006F

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
pedestrian0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %3.78 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %96.22 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %44.09 %6.27 %0.00 %49.64 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %7.60 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %92.40 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Main Avenue pedestrianNot set437191417
Gunville Down Road residentialNot set32084409
Mudros Road residentialNot set32084289
Nelson Road residentialNot set32084872
Riversdene residentialNot set96151784
South Crescent residentialNot set32150240
St Richards Close residentialNot set96151785, 96151783
  residentialNot set85518601, 242991048, 32113731, 32119251, 242991049, 89178415, 89178403, 70417275
High Street tertiaryNot set85518591
  tertiaryNot set198626640, 85518594, 23273060, 220182097, 220182104, 902889943, 1066595924, 23449729, 220182103, 220286844, 220400870, 32111171, 85518852, 23354683, 241830213, 241830208, 145347300
Crossway unclassifiedNot set86654746
Gunville Road unclassifiedNot set86648494
Hill side Road unclassifiedNot set86654708
King Down Road unclassifiedNot set86654757
Nelson Road unclassifiedNot set307856168
Racedown Road unclassifiedNot set86654734
Turner's Lane unclassifiedNot set85518598
Valley Road unclassifiedNot set86654741
Weiner Close unclassifiedNot set86648510
  unclassifiedNot set86648504, 86648500, 804334731, 708591366, 708591367, 263824859, 145419498, 85525038, 89299182, 86654722, 86654727, 89299180, 85525039, 144918608, 241830210, 241830212, 85525042, 85525052, 804334521, 85525040, 145419500, 144918612, 86648514, 85518602, 170871359, 86648502

North Dorset 007A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Ashmore Close residentialNot set32135517, 33187435
Avebury Court residentialNot set90930731
Badbury Drive residentialNot set1221188391, 33187439, 81769214, 32135516, 33187441, 514073380
Cadley Close residentialNot set81773155, 81773157
Eastleaze Road residentialNot set1221188392, 32135522, 402540174, 32135521, 1221188393, 402540173, 402540172
Fairfield Bungalows residentialNot set32443367
Froxfield Road residentialNot set81773152
Greenhill residentialNot set81769195
Heddington Drive residentialNot set32237684, 507806725
Hilcot Way residentialNot set81773150, 81773148
Hinton Close residentialNot set81773133, 514073398, 1221455487, 699008294, 699008293, 81773116
Holland Way residentialNot set32237685
Jubilee Way residentialNot set222786945, 402521750, 222786944, 145114400, 160105991
Kingston Close residentialNot set81769211, 81769246
Liddington Crescent residentialNot set32135513, 514073401
Lockeridge Close residentialNot set81769205, 81769207, 81769203
Manningford Road residentialNot set33187452
Marston Close residentialNot set33187445, 33187447, 514073387, 514073388
Mary Cossins Close residentialNot set32612655
Medbourne Close residentialNot set514073379, 536189721, 81769223
Mortain Close residentialNot set33187438, 32135523, 81769217, 402521751
Old Farm Court residentialNot set81773138
Old Farm Gardens residentialNot set32135512
Ramsbury Close residentialNot set32135515, 32799206
Ramsbury Court residentialNot set32799205
Shaw Close residentialNot set81769191
Stanton Close residentialNot set1221455486, 81773132
The Beeches residentialNot set511544663, 507806724, 507806726
  residentialNot set33187449, 403587381, 402521735, 402521734
Milldown RoadB3082secondaryNot set145114407, 991337127
Park RoadB3082secondaryNot set1315012875, 145160326
Whitecliff Mill StreetB3082secondaryNot set47459210
Whitecliff Mill StreetB3082secondary_linkNot set112607317

North Dorset 007B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %18.19 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %81.81 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %51.27 %45.60 %0.00 %3.12 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %19.27 %0.00 %80.73 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Alner Road residentialNot set196527151, 196527155, 90930737, 90930732
Angus Close residentialNot set145813698
Balmer Road residentialNot set1220636938, 196527152, 32612672
Bracewell Close residentialNot set196527153, 1220636943, 1220636942, 196527154
Buttercup Lane residentialNot set81773099, 514073408
Carter Close residentialNot set81773122, 514073373, 514073374
Casterbridge Close residentialNot set82030036, 82030039, 1220636940
Castleman Smith Close residentialNot set90930728
Cobham Road residentialNot set32612657, 514073422
Counter Close residentialNot set82030006, 82030009
Dairy Field residentialNot set82030027, 82029996
Davis Gardens residentialNot set33187429
Gurkha Road residentialNot set90930739
Hawkers Close residentialNot set33187433
Hill Road residentialNot set32612668
Holland Way residentialNot set32237685
Holmlea residentialNot set514073397, 149432076
Hunt Road residentialNot set141146026, 510409601, 697014903
Kites Corner residentialNot set145154838
Lane Close residentialNot set145174355
Larksmead residentialNot set81773125, 70417327
Larksrise residentialNot set81773128
Mellstock Close residentialNot set82030028, 82030029
Newman Close residentialNot set81773144
Old Farm Court residentialNot set81773138, 81773142
Old Farm Gardens residentialNot set32135524, 698800151, 32135512
Preetz Way residentialNot set695509204, 82029998, 90930754, 145174342
Rifles Way residentialNot set694615244
Rosebank Lane residentialNot set90930725
Sandbourne Avenue residentialNot set82030035
Signals Avenue residentialNot set32612667, 1220636941
Stevens Close residentialNot set514073377, 90930751
The Pavilions residentialNot set514073403
Wetherbury Close residentialNot set32612660, 32612661
Williams Way residentialNot set32612666
Wyvern Way residentialNot set82030032, 82030031
  residentialNot set82029999, 32612663
Littletowns unclassifiedNot set91789050, 515318116
Plough Estate unclassifiedNot set82030015, 515318115, 91789051
Tin Pot Lane unclassifiedNot set198626628
Uplands Way unclassifiedNot set82030023, 82030025
Wendal Road unclassifiedNot set82030019, 991337124, 32612664

North Dorset 007C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %17.10 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %82.90 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %18.05 %79.11 %0.00 %2.84 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %73.35 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %26.65 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Andrew Close residentialNot set514073372, 46995517
Anne Close residentialNot set46995516
Barnes Close residentialNot set81773105
Chapel Gardens residentialNot set49601216, 49601215
Diamond Way residentialNot set307852825, 307852821, 307852822, 307852824, 307852823
Downside Close residentialNot set46994513, 46994503, 46994504, 1222960583, 1222960581, 46994507, 46994502, 46994511, 1222960582, 46994512, 46994505
Elizabeth Road residentialNot set46995285, 510409599, 510409600, 697229658, 46995284
Hambledon Close residentialNot set40700502
Hambledon Gardens residentialNot set39685703, 39685702, 39685705
Highfields residentialNot set81778992, 81778987
Hunt Road residentialNot set510409601
James Close residentialNot set514073371, 46995518
Langton Crescent residentialNot set48462770
Langton Road residentialNot set220400858
Larksmead residentialNot set70417327
Martin Close residentialNot set90930735, 1222857001
Meadow View residentialNot set86143758
Philip Road residentialNot set46995288, 46995287
Riverside Road residentialNot set514073431, 81784698
St Leonard's Avenue residentialNot set697235744
Stour Road residentialNot set81784705, 81784707, 189304819
Tudor Gardens residentialNot set46995286
Westbury Way residentialNot set167685520, 155079261
Wilson Park residentialNot set511374079
Wimborne Road residentialNot set82117205
Windmill Road residentialNot set48462771, 48462773, 48462774, 48462772
King's Road tertiaryNot set40727014, 160105993
Black Lane unclassifiedNot set697893011, 198626578, 697893012, 505143706

North Dorset 007D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
pedestrian0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %3.68 %14.41 %8.53 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %73.38 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary_link0.00 %0.00 %42.79 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %57.21 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %13.73 %80.20 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %6.07 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Barnack Walk pedestrianNot set511589520, 1108308477, 511589516
Greyhound Walk pedestrianNot set511589518, 511589517, 1108311645
  pedestrianNot set511589893
Alexandra Street residentialNot set49600107
Bryanston Street residentialNot set145160322
Common Lane residentialNot set90930742, 932107710
Dorset Street residentialNot set49600659
Eagle House Gardens residentialNot set145160329
Fairfield Road residentialNot set32612651
Fields Oak residentialNot set49600660, 49600661
Hanover Court residentialNot set82116999
Hornbeam Way residentialNot set156888875
Jubilee Way residentialNot set145114400, 222786944
Maple Tree Close residentialNot set514073399
Marsh's Court residentialNot set86143759
North Place residentialNot set49600664, 91787505
Nursery Road residentialNot set81778942
Orchard Place residentialNot set49601016
Orchard Street residentialNot set49600665
Park Lands residentialNot set82117000
Pines Court residentialNot set514049108
Portman Place residentialNot set1169314551, 579603710
River Mews residentialNot set145157804
Sharp Close residentialNot set579026658
Short's Lane residentialNot set145160328
The Milldown residentialNot set222787457, 81769242, 222787458, 198626637
Wessex Court residentialNot set49600666, 49600667
Whitecliff Gardens residentialNot set33187404, 514049130
  residentialNot set5054685
Damory StreetB3082secondaryNot set145160325, 702570993, 702570992
East StreetB3082secondaryNot set702570994, 145157811
Market PlaceB3082secondaryNot set206446588, 145172766
Milldown RoadB3082secondaryNot set991337127, 145114407, 145114404, 991337126, 160105992
Park RoadB3082secondaryNot set1315012535
Whitecliff Mill StreetB3082secondaryNot set47459210
Park Road secondaryNot set145160327, 702570990
Damory StreetB3082secondary_linkNot set206446098
Whitecliff Mill StreetB3082secondary_linkNot set112607317
Market Place tertiaryNot set505143572
Salisbury Road tertiary_linkNot set502422795
Church Lane unclassifiedNot set145157806, 145157814
Sheep Market Hill unclassifiedNot set145157813
The Close unclassifiedNot set145157808
The Plocks unclassifiedNot set145157802
The Tabernacle unclassifiedNot set145157801

North Dorset 007E

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %52.62 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %47.38 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %12.46 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %87.54 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %77.08 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %22.92 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary_link0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Alexandra Street residentialNot set86143760, 1222960584, 49600107
Barnes Close residentialNot set81773105
Boundary View residentialNot set81778911
Carter Close residentialNot set81773122
Churchill Road residentialNot set32612652
Fairfield Bungalows residentialNot set32443367
Fairfield Road residentialNot set32612651
Gent Close residentialNot set697014928, 697014929, 81773117
Hunt Road residentialNot set141146026, 697014903, 510409601, 510409602
Newman Close residentialNot set81773144, 514073378
Nordon Road residentialNot set33187420
Nursery Road residentialNot set81778942
Oakfield Street residentialNot set49600108
Peel Close residentialNot set511544659, 1221455491
Richmond Road residentialNot set81773111, 81773109
Salisbury Crescent residentialNot set33187417
Salisbury Road residentialNot set1221856848
Damory StreetB3082secondaryNot set702570992, 145160325
Park RoadB3082secondaryNot set1315012875, 1315012535
King's Road tertiaryNot set40727014
Salisbury Road tertiary_linkNot set502422795
The Close unclassifiedNot set145157808

North Dorset 008A

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %17.62 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %82.38 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %18.99 %11.44 %0.00 %64.31 %0.00 %0.00 %5.26 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %0.49 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %99.51 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Huntley Down residentialNot set1164960264, 1297703894
Old Oak Way residentialNot set91799242, 91799241, 91799250, 91799234
Sanders Green residentialNot set4926945
St Mary's Close residentialNot set91799243
Chescombe Lane tertiaryNot set92798785, 235873434
Homefield tertiaryNot set91960493
Little England tertiaryNot set91960512
Milton Road tertiaryNot set144927886
The Causeway tertiaryNot set91960477
Whatcombe Lane tertiaryNot set92798787
  tertiaryNot set98029191, 670929174
Dorchester HillA354trunkNot set288965622
Bladen View unclassifiedNot set91960488
Brooklands unclassifiedNot set93670672, 93670670
Chapel Street unclassifiedNot set91960484
Church Hill unclassifiedNot set48542254, 590291083
Coles Lane unclassifiedNot set223071618
Crown Court unclassifiedNot set91960518
Hopsfield unclassifiedNot set91960460, 91960478, 91960521, 1297702984
Huntley Down unclassifiedNot set91960463, 91960526
Lane End unclassifiedNot set48542234
Lynch Close unclassifiedNot set91960461
Milton Road Close unclassifiedNot set91960458
Orchard Rise unclassifiedNot set91960479
Rook Lane unclassifiedNot set25583235
St Andrews View unclassifiedNot set91960501, 91960508
Stileham Bank unclassifiedNot set91960510, 91960470, 91960503
The Rings unclassifiedNot set91960481
Wetherby Close unclassifiedNot set91960505, 91960507
  unclassifiedNot set91960494, 91960454, 91960466, 91960456, 92550287, 92798786, 405217264, 91960482, 91960516, 91960491, 91960473

North Dorset 008B

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %32.83 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %67.17 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %26.65 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %73.35 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %7.31 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %92.69 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Athelstan Cottages residentialNot set124971163
Athelstan Way residentialNot set124971147, 124971134, 124971140
Catherines Well residentialNot set91799239, 351721361, 351721362, 91799249, 124971137, 91799229, 124814433, 221541000
Damer Close residentialNot set91799244
Sylvan Row residentialNot set124971160
  residentialNot set695556125, 693352300
Dunbury Lane tertiaryNot set221540538
Milton Road tertiaryNot set144927886
  tertiaryNot set670929174, 4605067, 1297467676, 175813216
Brightsmead unclassifiedNot set92758815, 92758819
Cothayes Drove unclassifiedNot set4757037
Cuckoo Lane unclassifiedNot set220400857
Hartfoot Close unclassifiedNot set92758720
Pleck Lane unclassifiedNot set92758755
Stoke Lane unclassifiedNot set85258679
  unclassifiedNot set220400867, 145479942, 144927902, 4888486, 144892547, 144892534, 92758717, 144892540, 144892537, 868742975, 37336912, 144928819, 144927910, 144927913, 91799247, 144927891, 124810831, 1316007025, 91799228, 133322534, 220288294, 670929171, 144927899, 4926944, 145479939, 92758757, 92809536, 92758728, 92809535

North Dorset 008C

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %9.21 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %90.79 %0.00 %0.00 %
trunk0.00 %0.00 %9.37 %49.27 %0.00 %41.36 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %10.60 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %89.40 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Blandford Hill residentialNot set235869020
Broad Close residentialNot set86977256, 86977257, 476957974
Bush Park residentialNot set86977252
Church Street residentialNot set48542237
Clyppetts residentialNot set86977254
Field's Close residentialNot set91799238, 91799240
Fosters Meadows residentialNot set515327959, 91799245, 91799235
Kingston Barnyard residentialNot set86977261
Noah Henville Corner residentialNot set48542273
Old Oak Way residentialNot set91799250, 91799241
Orchard Lane residentialNot set86977259
Pitcher Close residentialNot set86977249
Ribbonwood Farm residentialNot set98016976
Sackville Street residentialNot set223420194, 48542277, 223420193
Stoney Lawn residentialNot set86977262
Wares Close residentialNot set86977250
Wind Whistle Way residentialNot set727546109
Winterborne Meadows residentialNot set478721696
  residentialNot set727546106
Chescombe Lane tertiaryNot set235873434
Whatcombe Lane tertiaryNot set1240247184, 92798787
  tertiaryNot set86977272, 48542260, 1167457322
East Street unclassifiedNot set48542274, 223420197, 223420202
Marsh Lane unclassifiedNot set4926977
Muston Lane unclassifiedNot set223425529, 143156436, 223425530
Plumbley Meadows unclassifiedNot set48542253
Rook Lane unclassifiedNot set25583235
The Street unclassifiedNot set97904359, 708579639
Vermin Lane unclassifiedNot set129910748
West Street unclassifiedNot set86977273
Wind Whistle Farm unclassifiedNot set86977264
  unclassifiedNot set92798786, 842490717, 23212552, 97904356, 97904360, 1103817730, 145233296, 4787693, 692982790, 842492660, 806193560, 86977251, 97904358, 405214619, 842490718

North Dorset 008D

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
primary0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %76.50 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %23.50 %0.00 %0.00 %
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
tertiary0.00 %0.00 %11.52 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %88.48 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %4.34 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %95.66 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
 A357primaryNot set699513594
Bowey residentialNot set37178396, 81601447, 81601448
Castle Avenue residentialNot set81601449
Downfield residentialNot set85215942, 543324226, 543324227, 85215943
Fairfield Close residentialNot set81601442
Fairmead residentialNot set85215937
Fitzpaine Avenue residentialNot set1305479360, 1305479359, 1305479358
Mary Gardens residentialNot set81601441
Nether Mead residentialNot set81601439, 81601440
Old Dairy residentialNot set482305479, 482305480
Orchard Close residentialNot set81601432
Ridouts residentialNot set81601433, 81601435
Saxon Rise residentialNot set85215938
  residentialNot set1305093503, 81601437, 873983938, 81601443, 870446463, 1305093502
Castle Lane tertiaryNot set25583231
Dunbury Lane tertiaryNot set221540538, 220287865, 221540537
Fair Mile Road tertiaryNot set4608325
  tertiaryNot set221260911, 25583232, 90669757, 1305479365, 4605398, 1167457322, 91799248, 491686341, 1167457320, 1167457321, 1167457323
Angers Lane unclassifiedNot set79596963, 122928358, 88415183
Back Lane unclassifiedNot set670948184, 81601450
Belchalwell Street unclassifiedNot set37336892, 85212645, 196787674
Calf Close Lane unclassifiedNot set1210584023, 103451479, 103451463
Chalky Path unclassifiedNot set85222105
Church Walk unclassifiedNot set81603080
Copse Hill unclassifiedNot set79596962
Crate Hill unclassifiedNot set85224885
Darknoll Lane unclassifiedNot set88415180, 41538967, 81601438
Fippenny Hollow unclassifiedNot set81601446
Garlands Lane unclassifiedNot set37178398
Greenhayes unclassifiedNot set81601453
Kitford Lane unclassifiedNot set85222065
Lanchards unclassifiedNot set145026524
Leigh Lane unclassifiedNot set85223988
Marsh Lane unclassifiedNot set85222062
New Road unclassifiedNot set92798821, 79596979, 222766304
Poplar Hill unclassifiedNot set25583230
Pound Lane unclassifiedNot set81601451
Ryalls Cross unclassifiedNot set92809537
Shillingstone Lane unclassifiedNot set670948187, 88512446, 88512448, 37178393
Stibles Lane unclassifiedNot set145478807
The Cross unclassifiedNot set81601445, 90669759
The Triangle unclassifiedNot set1164748578
Water Lane unclassifiedNot set85215945
  unclassifiedNot set145478806, 670948194, 145478810, 133322534, 1316007025, 37336911, 85212618, 85215944, 145478804, 1316007029, 220400864, 90672076, 85222054, 88418178, 88418175, 88457525, 88457526, 1167460138, 220288664, 88415185, 85215941, 44146357, 37178400, 44146358, 1210826372, 88415182, 145476962, 1305093499, 903563618, 145478808, 519427003, 670948191, 95919322

North Dorset 008E

Highway class< 20 mph20 mph30 mph40 mph50 mph60 mph70 mphOther mphNot setNo unitUnparseable
residential0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
road0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %
secondary0.00 %0.00 %6.62 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %93.38 %0.00 %0.00 %
unclassified0.00 %0.00 %6.40 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %93.60 %0.00 %0.00 %


NameRefHighway classVerdictOSM IDs
Pidney Green residentialNot set186995791, 186995790
The Old Dairy Farm residentialNot set186995794, 85227405
  roadNot set436802714, 436802712, 436802713
 B3143secondaryNot set93133608
Park LaneB3146secondaryNot set92796807
 B3146secondaryNot set37199380, 175817267
Back Lane unclassifiedNot set92973061
Beulieu Close unclassifiedNot set92973037
Bullocks Lane unclassifiedNot set145479940
Burdens unclassifiedNot set85226454
Cannings Court Lane unclassifiedNot set769760479, 145821595
Churchfoot Lane unclassifiedNot set37336643
Crate Hill unclassifiedNot set85224885
Cuckoo Lane unclassifiedNot set37336920, 220400857
Dark Lane unclassifiedNot set1060996881, 93129849, 1060996880
De Briane Close unclassifiedNot set92973033
Drum Lane unclassifiedNot set85227413
Frizzel's Hill unclassifiedNot set92973066
Gartells unclassifiedNot set85226456
Halsey Green unclassifiedNot set92796804, 92796803
Hammond Street unclassifiedNot set37200723
Hill View unclassifiedNot set85226468
Homemead unclassifiedNot set92973038
Honey Bun Meadow unclassifiedNot set85227415, 92973065
Kennels Lane unclassifiedNot set144897131
Kitford Lane unclassifiedNot set85222065
Locks Lane unclassifiedNot set86485053, 807635767
Marsh Lane unclassifiedNot set670948259, 4926488
Meadow Vale unclassifiedNot set92796802
Military Lane unclassifiedNot set37178646
Newland Lane unclassifiedNot set92796793
Old Rectory Lane unclassifiedNot set86485056
Pidney Hill unclassifiedNot set37336737, 842859776
Pleck Hill unclassifiedNot set91044674, 37200704
Quar Close unclassifiedNot set296766130
Ridge Lane unclassifiedNot set85226451, 803925749
Silly Hill unclassifiedNot set85226450
Stock Hill Lane unclassifiedNot set37179031
Stoke Lane unclassifiedNot set85258679
Taylor's Lane unclassifiedNot set85258619
The Common unclassifiedNot set37178969
The Green unclassifiedNot set85258610, 85226453
The Orchard unclassifiedNot set85227404
Thickthorn Lane unclassifiedNot set4605397, 670948258
Town's Knap unclassifiedNot set85258612
Vaile Mead unclassifiedNot set85227409, 85227416
Water Knap unclassifiedNot set37336669
West Lane unclassifiedNot set37178650
Wheat Close unclassifiedNot set85226467
Woodlands unclassifiedNot set85227412, 85227411
Zoar Lane unclassifiedNot set41538979, 1060997662, 1060997663
  unclassifiedNot set85258617, 37179180, 145821594, 85287375, 85227406, 85227407, 186995795, 620527270, 37178649, 85226455, 423507919, 37178645, 92973036, 41538980, 41538974, 85287380, 165661071, 165661068, 93129848, 85224890, 44146358, 37178400, 44146357, 85788590, 842859777, 41538961, 670948194, 145478810, 220400863, 133322534, 868742975, 37336912, 133322536, 175814035, 175814039, 145478809, 175814037, 717471876, 175814041, 85258621, 670948198, 670948201, 37336795, 145478805, 145478803, 145479938, 145479941, 37336644, 85227414, 85227408, 85258618, 777593121, 85259074

Last updated: 2025-02-07 07:05:40